INCREASED length by 3/4 an inch + REDUCED curve by 6 degrees

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Good news and some not so good news.
In the last 6 weeks I stopped using the Restorex. I now only use it when my hands get very fatigued. I have been hand stretching for at least 1 hr a day as hard as I can in various directions. I am also using VED though I am not using it as much as I used to. 4-5 times a week.

My erections are great. I have increased from 5.25 to 6 inches exactly. My flaccid stretch has gone up from 5.25 to 6.25 inches at my hardest pull. My dent seems to maybe have gotten a bit better, but nothing that drastic yet. My curve may have decreased and I SEE a visible change in my girth. I am out of the acute phase completely and have no pain after masturbation.

I have seen a lot of flexibility come back. I can bend my dick down to 90 degrees with only a little discomfort when before it felt like things might rip.

I think I am heading in the right direction. I really do my peryronies was triggered through some kind of medication or wide spread vein thrombosis in my arm after an infection from an IV. Does anyone else only use hand traction and has seen results?

My dick is bigger now than it was pre-peyronies and I hope in the next few months I can present to you a straight mostly dent free penis.


I just measured the degree. I have a reduced my degree bend by 6 degrees.

31 degrees to 26 degrees.

Traction F^@$!ng works. Stick with it.  


WOW congratulations Swiss, that is hell of a good job, and it's nice to read !! Were you in the acute stage when you began stretching ? And what do you think really made you get out of this phase ? Anyway, this is very good news !!
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


fantastic news swiss, keep up that stretching you will soon be straight again, with a bigger penis, that's just great, keep on pulling.
71 UK, ED from 2011, unable to get full erection, Peyronies Disease from  2015 acute bend to left, VED & hand traction + 20mg of Tadalafil twice a week, or when i'm feeling lucky, forum member November 2017. Fav Film&Song, TheGoodTheBadThe Ugly. A Day in the Life


To be 100% honest. I am not sure. I abstained from sex and limited masturbation in the acute phase to maybe 1 time a month(but I paid for it when I did as most people here on the site). I did not go on Pentox, instead I used heatpacks early on. I was dealing with daily flaccid pain, hard flaccid, two areas of inflammation and terrible morning erection pain. I was an anxious mess.

Then a bunch of crap went down- long time gf left me (for someone else I found out), people were dying all around me, I left my job.

After around the time I left my job, things started to settle down pain wise.

I was taking a lot of magnesium, arginine, lysine, during the acute phase. I still take a lot of magnesium a day. I use magnesium lotion.

I decided to use hand manipulation after the PMP and restorex werent really working for me. If the restorex can get results on 1 hr at high tensions then why not my hands? So I did that.

I will post before and afters in 2-3 months if I continue on my path.



Awesome news Swiss! Glad you are making good progress. Hoping I can achieve similar result with my chronic phased peyronies with hand stretching.

I too have changed from my ESL40 to mainly had stretching, it just makes sense because that is what traction devices do but hands can grip and measure tension pull far better than a strap device.

So what techniques do you use Swiss?! I currently use the ones Monty posted and they seem to work well, any helpful specific tips you didn't wrote about yet would be a very great to know and use. Thanks in advance and hope you cure yourself soon!  


Swiss: the only thing that upsets me here, is the lack of pictures with measurements, to prove your gains. Not calling you a liar, but it's hard to believe just text, you know?

Yes, I know it's a sensitive subject... Putting pictures of your penis on the internet and stuff... But how are we helping others just by sharing text?

To me... There should be two extra sections on the forum:

-confirmed improvements with pictures
-unconfirmed improvements

Would pay for the admins to create and enforce such a section on the board.


@ pfract, think you are out of order, no as to prove their progress, you either believe the person or you don't, adding photos is a very personal thing to do, i'm 67 and don't mind showing my penis, but many are very shy, and they may need a boost to help their progress, well done swiss and all that are making progress.
71 UK, ED from 2011, unable to get full erection, Peyronies Disease from  2015 acute bend to left, VED & hand traction + 20mg of Tadalafil twice a week, or when i'm feeling lucky, forum member November 2017. Fav Film&Song, TheGoodTheBadThe Ugly. A Day in the Life


Penis injury in late 2017. A lump formed at injury site that caused no deformity, just pain and a palpable lump. Pain is improving through proper rest and use, diet, and mindfulness. I am always learning and looking to share things that have helped.



If you really want to see my dick. I am here to help. Send me a PM. 6 degrees isnt that crazy of a decrease and I didn't want to show people until I had more improvement.
BUT....if you want to be a doubting Thomas I will show you my dick. PM me your email.  


Also, pfract- what is your regime/ background bruva?


Quote from: Health3man on June 15, 2018, 01:49:20 AM

So what techniques do you use Swiss?! I currently use the ones Monty posted and they seem to work well, any helpful specific tips you didn't wrote about yet would be a very great to know and use. Thanks in advance and hope you cure yourself soon!

My dent is near the base, that is where the curve begins. I stretch it in a way where I feel a good stretch in the area of plaque. But I vary it. Sometimes I pull upwards towards my face and other times it is towards my feet or even from side to side. Sometimes I make circular motions and that stretches the base of my dick where it meets the body. I want to start doing opposite angular stretching too. I have VISIBLE gains in length. It's sort of cool. I hope the dent goes away because it would buckle during sex in its current state.  


Quote from: pfract on June 15, 2018, 01:54:10 AM

To me... There should be two extra sections on the forum:

-confirmed improvements with pictures
-unconfirmed improvements

There are already sections where improvements can be posted with pictures. I think creating more sections just adds confusion. I already get questions about "where does not post belong?"
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Why would any man falsify their progress to us, they get no prises, no trophies, its just a boost to the men that are struggling with this monster Peyronies Disease & ED, so when a man steps forward and says, look what manged to achieve by doing this or that, don't belittle them or we will all stop adding are progress in this forum, and we don't want that do we.    
71 UK, ED from 2011, unable to get full erection, Peyronies Disease from  2015 acute bend to left, VED & hand traction + 20mg of Tadalafil twice a week, or when i'm feeling lucky, forum member November 2017. Fav Film&Song, TheGoodTheBadThe Ugly. A Day in the Life


  Peoples progress reports on here stop me from slumping into a depression about this, keep them coming.
AGE 59
Acute since  Dec 2017
VED, traction & supplements
Went from 30 degree curve to 80 during acute stage  stabilized since May 2019
Curvature calculated at 80 degrees by Dr Ralph from emailed photo.
Titan  22cm with 1cm RTE's Prof ralph Feb 2022



Thank you for sharing! I hope it will continue this way...

I just started self-hand-modelling, but I really do not know if I am doing anything right. How much force to apply? How to pull? And grab? And how long without creating trauma?!

Maybe we could create a video or drawing in the longrun. What do you think?  
30yrs, diagnosed in feb. 2018 after possible injury (not sure), 4 plaques, 4 dents, S-surve, 30° right/45° up curve, tingle in the legs, sometimes penile pain an depressed.


Great proposal, Alexander. A video series on how to use VED, how to manually stretch, how to do injections for who need them for ED, and so on.. all those things would be really helpful.
26 yo from Italy.
Peyronie's since abt 2014
Abt 20-25° bend, w/ a moderate twist to the left
ED for 4 years and getting worse
From pornstar-like to moderately depressed - still fighting for a solution.


I will open a topic if somemore people are interested in helping to create these. I think
It could really help new people with peyronies. It took me weeks to figure
Out how to use ved etc.
30yrs, diagnosed in feb. 2018 after possible injury (not sure), 4 plaques, 4 dents, S-surve, 30° right/45° up curve, tingle in the legs, sometimes penile pain an depressed.


I have a few very short videos max 10 seconds, this is because email will not take more than 25mb, so it could be difficult to get any videos uploaded.
71 UK, ED from 2011, unable to get full erection, Peyronies Disease from  2015 acute bend to left, VED & hand traction + 20mg of Tadalafil twice a week, or when i'm feeling lucky, forum member November 2017. Fav Film&Song, TheGoodTheBadThe Ugly. A Day in the Life


30yrs, diagnosed in feb. 2018 after possible injury (not sure), 4 plaques, 4 dents, S-surve, 30° right/45° up curve, tingle in the legs, sometimes penile pain an depressed.


71 UK, ED from 2011, unable to get full erection, Peyronies Disease from  2015 acute bend to left, VED & hand traction + 20mg of Tadalafil twice a week, or when i'm feeling lucky, forum member November 2017. Fav Film&Song, TheGoodTheBadThe Ugly. A Day in the Life


maybe it can be done with a plastic penis instead?  
30yrs, diagnosed in feb. 2018 after possible injury (not sure), 4 plaques, 4 dents, S-surve, 30° right/45° up curve, tingle in the legs, sometimes penile pain an depressed.


71 UK, ED from 2011, unable to get full erection, Peyronies Disease from  2015 acute bend to left, VED & hand traction + 20mg of Tadalafil twice a week, or when i'm feeling lucky, forum member November 2017. Fav Film&Song, TheGoodTheBadThe Ugly. A Day in the Life


there could be different videos. maybe a general "how to..." and personal videos in which users show how they do it. but we would have difficulties sharing those in public. and my idea would be to have a public video, to share the experience of other users with new ones in a general way.  
30yrs, diagnosed in feb. 2018 after possible injury (not sure), 4 plaques, 4 dents, S-surve, 30° right/45° up curve, tingle in the legs, sometimes penile pain an depressed.


great idea of yours but don't think it will get off the ground, it would be fantastic to see others use the various equipment available to us.
maybe this forum will open up a video tab so we could add videos, of course members only, bit like the female only tab.
71 UK, ED from 2011, unable to get full erection, Peyronies Disease from  2015 acute bend to left, VED & hand traction + 20mg of Tadalafil twice a week, or when i'm feeling lucky, forum member November 2017. Fav Film&Song, TheGoodTheBadThe Ugly. A Day in the Life


You could upload it to google drive as a private link. YouTube allows dick related videos if it is medical and not sexual. You need to have it be educational. I have seen plenty of dicks on YouTube for VEDs.

As far as force goes. I sort of pull until I can't pull anymore. There is a limit to the distance your dick will stretch. Depending on the angle that I pull on that depends on the amount of force I can pull. For example. If I pull downward parallel to my body I can't pull as hard because I feel the pull at the base of my body at he ligament. However, at 90 degrees perpendicular I pull really hard (over 6 inches flaccid stretch at the moment but only for a few seconds at high tension) my hand gets really tired. I pull enough not to feel any pain. If I feel any pain I lessen up the force.


Apparently you tube has an age restricted category, which coupled w science and technology would allow videos demonstrating medical treatments w the penis.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


71 UK, ED from 2011, unable to get full erection, Peyronies Disease from  2015 acute bend to left, VED & hand traction + 20mg of Tadalafil twice a week, or when i'm feeling lucky, forum member November 2017. Fav Film&Song, TheGoodTheBadThe Ugly. A Day in the Life


Yeah...for me the onl frustration is my dent at the curve would possibly buckle during sex...not sure how to get rid of that...that's my ONLY gripe right now. SURE I am increasing length and my curve has reduced and it has only been about 6 weeks stretching with this new strong force...BUT...none of this matters if I cant get rid of or at minimum half what my dent is at this point in way for me to visibly see a reduction...though it might be.  


I started doing some manual stretching when applying H-100 compound twice a day..I guess my ? Is how hard can i stretch?  Do u stretch until u feel slight pain or discomfort?  That is only thing i've Always wondered about..



my indentation annoys me most too. It just feels like part of me is missing :'-(

One more question regarding manual stretching: Where or how do you grab your penis? I feel like it should be the glans. Because then the pull effect or force is also "on the inside" and not only on the outside skin. Right? What do you think? But the glans seems to be fragile too
30yrs, diagnosed in feb. 2018 after possible injury (not sure), 4 plaques, 4 dents, S-surve, 30° right/45° up curve, tingle in the legs, sometimes penile pain an depressed.


Yes at the glans or immediately below it.  Xiaflex has instructions for this.  Hold the base and stretch from the glans.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Hi Swiss!  It was great to hear of your success.  Congratulations, and thanks for sharing it!  I know you said that you have been doing manual stretching for 6 weeks, but could you tell me if you do it every day or not; how many times per day: and approximately how long each stretching session lasts?   Many thanks.


@freemason @Alexander
I pull with a lot of force. I start off lightly, because the initial pull always hurts just a little. And then I create more force. As I go. I bring a ruler into play and try to extend a little past my highest stretch. At that point it is hard to stretch it that far. I only do it for a short hold.

I think I wouldn't recommend going hard if you are in the acute phase. I wish I had done manual stretching then, but lighter stretching to avoid reinjury. My dick at this point seems very unseceptible to new injury for some reason. Almost like my period of inflammation was temoporary. I still think it was triggered by infection or other outside phenomenon.


I use the protocol of the restorex with manual stretching. I do it every day. Sometimes for 30 min sessions and sometimes for 1 hr full sessions and interchanging my hands when they get sore. Sometimes I will get into the restorex for a break because my hands hurt so much from the force. I don't like how my meatus swells in the restorex so I limit my use of it to about once or twice a week.

The thing is that if the restorex proves that it's not the length of time in the device but the force, then manual stetching should be just as effective.

I also stretch anytime I can during the day even for a minute or two- shower, in front of computer, even in the car on a long drive under a blanket on the highway. I am so determined to beat this into submission.  


Swiss: this is not about just doubting somebody. It's about all the dubious  accounts of improvement, and the miraculous cures that people claim here, that have no tangible proof, that get to me. Again, not calling you a liar, but man... saying you got this amazing length gain and you haven't tracked your progress in any way? I am not talking curvature here.

And also... this mentality from "Monty", in my opinion, really hinders the board, in the sense that you can't call out nobody to prove their claims for fear they will get upset and not post. It's simply not the case.

I really think it would be amazing, if some members of the board got together and kind of tracked down things, and devised methods to track progress and post it online so people know what works and what doesn't so they can try it out for themselves.

As an example... when i go for the implant, i plan to share everything online to help out others. Same if i go for restorex. Pictures in flaccid state, and erect (well, as best as i can, since i can't sustain my erection for much long due to the fracture i had), and measurements from doctors office and home.


Swiss that's awesome you're seeing improvements. Congrats! I hope you continue to see even more!  
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc


And also... this mentality from "Monty",

must change my views.
71 UK, ED from 2011, unable to get full erection, Peyronies Disease from  2015 acute bend to left, VED & hand traction + 20mg of Tadalafil twice a week, or when i'm feeling lucky, forum member November 2017. Fav Film&Song, TheGoodTheBadThe Ugly. A Day in the Life


Good news should always be shared, the fact this post has 500+ views means we are all hungry for positives, let's continue to share and respect each other, nice post Swiss  :)
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


Quote from: pfract on June 18, 2018, 12:21:56 AM
I plan to share everything online to help out others. Same if i go for restorex. Pictures in flaccid state, and erect (well, as best as i d home.

yes, and so will I. I am 6 weeks into this new regime. Already seeing improvements. I will share before and after I have been doing this for 3 months like I said above. I am NOT going anywhere. I have been a contributing member on this forum for a while now.  


My curvature went from 30 degrees to straight using RestoreX with xiaflex. I gained back just slightly under 2" from my lost length. I attribute that to RestoreX as xiaflex doesn't help regain lost length.
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc



Quote from: swiss on June 13, 2018, 05:14:41 PM
My dick is bigger now than it was pre-peyronies and I hope in the next few months I can present to you a straight mostly dent free penis.

Are you sure? What was your pre-Peyronies Disease BPEL and BPFSL?

On the other thread: Still waiting - Peyronies Society Forums

James1947 wrote:
QuoteYou can't get bigger than what you was born with without surgery!




Hey Alex, what James wrote is factually wrong.  The penis lengthening devices were designed to do just that.  Its the same principle that African woman use to stretch their necks.  If you put constant stretching pressure on an area you cause micro tears of the tissue and cellular proliferation for repair.  Do it long enough and you will get permanent growth.  The penis can be made longer using these devices, but its a lot of time and effort. ..
55 - Onset May 2017.  38 degree bend up.  Failed Xiaflex treatment.  Still functional so I decided to stop treatments.  Only take 400mg Co-Q10 and occasionally use Restorex



Just before starting xiaflex treatments and 6 weeks after the last cycle when I had my final evaluation appointment. October-April. No more than 60 mins a day. I have a thread in xiaflex treatments with a little more detail.  
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc


Quote from: betterbend on June 18, 2018, 02:43:40 PM
Hey Alex, what James wrote is factually wrong.  The penis lengthening devices were designed to do just that.  Its the same principle that African woman use to stretch their necks.

Are you sure that he's the one who's factually wrong? I don't think that micro tears cause tissue's lenghtening everywhere in the body. Actually those are peyronie's leading cause according to every paper published on the subject. The theory according to which microtraumas in the penis lead to lenghtening is the one that's proposed in penis enlargement forums and a lot of people came here from there after following these ideas.

I'm not a doctor, nor a researcher, but I really can't understand how the penis could lenghten beyond its original size by "causing controlled micro traumas": considering that it is a complex organ, made of three chambers and one of these contains the urethra, theoretically you should simultaneously cause the same amount of "tears" in the corpora cavernosa, the corpus spongiosum and the urethra, because they should grow together, shouldn't they? It doesn't make any sense to me.



The tunica is made up of dense tissue. Through traction, it can be stretched out over time. That's why people who use safe forms of traction and hand modeling see an increase in lost length associated with peyronie's.  
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc


I didn't say you can't recover your lenght (or part of it) after the onset of peyronie's. I'm referring to the possibility of getting your penis longer than the one you're born with as someone here suggested; I personally think this is impossibile with stretching.

When you recover some lenght with traction after peyronie's onset, it happens because you stretch out the plaque getting it more elastic: in fact you can recover what you've lost (most of the times just a part of it); but if you don't have any scar tissue in the erectile tissues I don't see how you can gain some centimeters/inches... You'll rather risk the opposite.  


Quote from: AlexSamo on June 18, 2018, 02:09:28 PM
Are you sure? What was your pre-Peyronies Disease BPEL and BPFSL?

Never stretched my dick pre peyronies. All I know is that 6 weeks ago I could stretch it 5.25. In the pump I marked my dick as 5.25 because that was also my erect length. Now I can stretch past 6 inches a bit and I am at 6 inches erect. I can easily get over 5.25 FS. Before Peyronies I was a quarter inch shy of 6 inches and perfectly straight. If my dick straightens out I would be above 6 inches I am sure.