Treatments being used in profile/signature?

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Would be good if everyone listed the treatments they are using in their sig.

I think in fact that this forum software can produce a regimen button below everyones posts, to the far far left of thereportto moderator button. You fill in some info, and if someone puts their cursor over your regimen button, a list of the treatments you are using appears.

Either/or, would be useful.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


good idea, I added this info to my signature.
Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


Isn't there a character limitation issue with the signautre block. I know some of us have put a link which points to our history post. And I seem to recall that I had an issue triming my link down to fit. So one approach seems to exclude the other. I don't know if the number of characters can be increased or not.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I mentioned something similiar a while back. A point made against the idea is that most of us will have very similiar regimens anyway. I can certainly understand that argument, but if people want to list their current treatments in their sig, I can see the merits of that too.

The alternative if there is a character limit, would be for someone to set up a Our Treatments thread, and for you then to link to your post in that thread within your sig. There is a 100 character sig limit. Maybe that is enough for people to list their main treatments?


Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


Quote from: newguy on November 26, 2009, 11:27:27 AM
I mentioned something similiar a while back. A point made against the idea is that most of us will have very similiar regimens anyway. I can certainly understand that argument, but if people want to list their current treatments in their sig, I can see the merits of that too.

The alternative if there is a character limit, would be for someone to set up a Our Treatments thread, and for you then to link to your post in that thread within your sig. There is a 100 character sig limit. Maybe that is enough for people to list their main treatments?

Or why don't we put our regimens/treatments in our individual history posts? Most of these probbly exist already.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History

Old Man


You are right. Our history topic/thread was set up exactly for that reason - to tell our history for all to see and read. The forum which now allows any and all to start new topics has now gotten to the point that it takes a while to sort out where one should go for the subject he/she wants to visit.

So, bottom line, anything that relates to ones history should go to that history link and not start a new topic each and every time. Soon, the forum's capacity will be filled to the point it will not be efficient any longer.

Just me 2 cents worth for what it is worth!!

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Old Man

I agree anyone wanting to know what someone has tried or is trying should go the the history of that person. If someone does not wish to post a history then he may not want to reveal what he uses.

Like you I visit the forum several times most days. All these topics popping up out of no where make it harder to use the forum. Many of these topics are also covered under existing topics.

My 2 cents worth.



Although I haven't been a forum member a long time, I do agree that the amount of topics is getting confusing. I would be glad to add a history to my profile, though I am unsure how. Any guidance?

A few of the newer members have been having issues navigating thru all the forums, myself included. I myself am having trouble finding the treatments for very mild ED. If it was in the my history section for each member, one could search each member and view their treatment.

Old Man


You are 100% right. There should be no new topics that are not approved by the administrator of the forum. It is wide open now to any and everybody who wants to just add a new one even for subjects that are already contained in an existing topic. They are not being combined or moved to the proper thread/topic any longer. Who is riding herd on these anyway?

Just my added 2 cents for what it is worth.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Quote from: Old Man on November 26, 2009, 11:54:24 PM

You are 100% right. There should be no new topics that are not approved by the administrator of the forum. It is wide open now to any and everybody who wants to just add a new one even for subjects that are already contained in an existing topic. They are not being combined or moved to the proper thread/topic any longer. Who is riding herd on these anyway?

Old Man

I think it holds purpose to allow threads for instance relating to specific oral treatments. This will allow people to properly categorise comments rather than have them as part of a lump of posts which are intermingled with a miriad of other subjects and diversions. Previously for instance it would've been impossible to create a continuous discussion on curcumin, which can later be browsed through, added to, and elevated to preminance when required. This is pretty much the principle of most forums on the net. As the forum is currently in flux between the two, I think it's something that will be fully appeciated in time. Just my take though :).

Where I do agree that work needs to be done, is on the duplicate posts that I see on occasion. ometimes if a new member does not get an immediate reply, there cut and paste their message in multiple areas of the site. I think this sometimes creates problems, but it's something that is easily dealt with. Another issue is that sometimes people post in entirely the wrong section of the time. For intance the 'alternative treatments' has seen a few posts by new members detailing general enquiries.

"They are not being combined or moved to the proper thread/topic any longer" I agree somewhat with this concern too.

Old Man


We have an oral board. Why would not curcumin be just as well served in that board rather starting a new area? If we keep adding areas/boards, this forum will be so crowded that it will be almost impossible to track down any definite subject matter.

From the looks of where we are heading now, we will soon be going down in the direction that old Biotech forum did before it folded into a maze of threads miles long. I am slowly reaching a point that my support of this forum is wearing thin.

Just my 2 cents.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I kind of had the same feeling as Old Man, but said nothing.  As I logged in each time, I noticed that more and more topics were  popping up.  Its starting to look crowded.  I'm sure Old Man has seen many forums, I know I've seen a few, that got so crowded, wild, and out of control, a lot of good posters just left and vanished.  

While we don't want to put every single issue under oral treatments and have five different people responding to five other people, we don't want 25 topics under the oral treatments board.  It is nice anyone can create a topic, I think we should keep it that way, lets try to tone down the new topic kneejerk reaction, look at the board and think if it is really necessary to add one.



The board becomes far more searchable with new topics vs having everything oral in one thread for example.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]

Old Man


Three cheers for your position on this! Yes, I have seen many forums come and go due to the very reason that you and I have stated. We need to cover each and every aspect of the main subject, Peyronies Disease and its related problems, but we don't need to have so many topics under each board that searching for an answer to a condition becomes time consuming or impossible to find.

All:  Let's take a hard look at the name of the new topic we won't to establish, then search for an existing topic under a related board before starting a new topic or board. This might just eliminate more new topics.

Hopefully, this way we can keep our forum from becoming too large and we have to enlarge the size of it to accommodate all these new items. Many thanks to all posters.

Old Man.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Hi All,

In regards to keeping the forum tidy, I agree the new topics have started to clutter things up a bit. In a similar vein, I think we need to better moderate the threads themselves. We not only have too many topics, but we are getting posts of questionable value cluttering up the threads. For example, a recent newbie has been hocking a "miracle" bee venom cure for Peyronie's, which should have been treated as spam and purged. I am in the middle of a mass mailing to increase the recognition of this forum and frankly, I am embarrassed to encourage doctors to view the site and nervous about leading new members to it; the doctors will think that the forum is nothing but a repository for the mad ravings of cranks and charlatans and the new members may even go out and try some of these dangerous suggestions. Neither of these potentialities will help our cause.

I think we need to tighten up the rules a bit and wield the ban hammer a little more frequently. Rule #9 needs to be broadened to include the promotion of obviously dangerous treatment methods which have not been tested or have failed testing by the mainstream medical community (bee venom has been proved useless in several studies). The methodology used by the poster at hand included intimidation, insulting users of standard Peyronie's treatments and providing false statements such as "you will be dysfunctional is you have had this disease X number of years." This is very different from someone saying, "Hey guys I tried this supplement and felt better, anyone interested?" The latter does not use intimidation or threats to get the point across.

This forum has improved even in the short time I've been here with the reorganization. I hope we can keep the improvements coming and strive to make it a source of support and accurate information for sufferers of Peyronie's disease.



Its not so much that we want to get rid of the bee venum post, as to make sure it is moved to the appropriate location of alternative treatments, if indeed something is recgonized as spam then hawk can have it removed.  

The solution to all these concerns might be more people volunteering to be a moderator for a board or topic, since we have only have a few for different boards, most are left up to hawk to moderate and read all the posts, which can be burdensome, as our forum grows.



I think Skjaldborg has a point. If this forum is to be taken seriously, you can't have posts like the bee venom. I think what separates this forum from yahoo and other medical forums is that this forum is run by individuals with the disease and have a genuine interest in curing it.

Yahoo and medhelp, if you look at those forums, are impossible to follow and are filled with spam, fictitious posts, and ridiculous comments. If there is a way to control the posts, we might all be better off for it. If a doctor looks at this forum and sees posts related to bee venom and enzyte to cure peyronie's, he or she will probably not come back. In the converse, if a doctor sees the forum and sees legitimate posts, they will take a more proactive approach to this disease.


Quote from: chiguy on November 28, 2009, 03:35:13 PM
I think Skjaldborg has a point.

IMO, he has a great point and one I made this summer.

IMO, beesting's posting's fatal flaw is not his discussion of an alternative treatment, but is his inconsiderate attacks on members and irrational assumptions.  

Funny, I don't see any reason for the attacks and assumptions unless the poster is mean-spirited, in other words, the poster is intentionally playing on the natural fears accompanied by disease or alarming conditions. I think beesting's posts are a classic example of this kind of posting.  I don't see any gain for the poster in couching the alternative treatment in an insulting and fearful manner, other than mean-spiritedness.  

So, IMO, beesting's posts should be removed and his "shield" of a legitimate alternative treatment is not sufficient to keep the postings visible because his postings can play on the fears of readers, especially new members and guests.

Skjaldborg references the appropriate rules, and when he suggests "tightening up", he is referring to the discretionary nature of the rules.  I agree, the moderator should use their discretion to squash these posts.

Is bvt a cure for peyronies? Possibly, but currently it is not a cure in a scientific or legal context.  At this point, beesting is being reckless and harmful, IMO.

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


Perhaps another solution is to have a new member thread or topic. That way all new members can post their questions there, which allows the more experienced members to utilize their knowledge in one forum.

This will also allow veteran members easier use of the other threads.


I have Administered this forum and our initial forum for a total of 5 years.  We started with about 8 members.  Sometimes I have had significant help and other times much less.  Some weeks I have put in over 60 hours administering this forum and our website.  In recent weeks I have been more hands-off than ever before.  I am just now reviewing many of these comments.

First of all this forum can simply not be compared to any other Peyronies Disease forum. Forums have come and gone, but no other Peyronies Disease forum has ever even approached our 3,000 members and 25,000 posts.  I have read at least 24,500 of those posts. We are in a league of our own. The BTS forum that Old Man refers to failed because members could post under each others forum names and call each other %%&^$##@ and threaten each others lives!  Their structure had only ONE BOARD with UNLIMITED TOPICS.  Our forum has a fixed number of boards (24).  Most are under the fixed categories of "Treatment Boards" and "Other Boards".  Our list of boards will never grow.

Members can make new topics here just like EVERY LAST FORUM ON THE INTERNET.  This is how ALL forums are set up.  It is how the forum software is designed, therefore forums do not succeed or fail on this basis.  They succeed or fail on the basis of: filling a need, having people willing to volunteer to accept positions, and allowing a liberal amount of freedom of speech, Having some reasonable, enforceable rules.

If and when any new topic does not have the merit to stand on its own, the board moderator (on the few boards that have a moderator) can and should merge it into another topic on the board.  Sometimes a topic may stand on its own for a short time so a critical conversation is not interrupted, but later it dies and then may become a candidate for being merged.  That brings us back to one of the keys to a successful forum, "Dedicated talented individuals with enough time to volunteer".  Common sense would say that surely that would be 5 percent (1 out of 20) of our 3,000 member forum.  That would be 150 people.  Just one out of a hundred would mean we had 30 willing to be moderators or to direct important promotional efforts.  Until we get one half of one percent to help out.  The few of us that do volunteer, will continue to do the best we can.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


You could be onto something.  For instance we have new members registering accounts on here at an average of 2.02 per day.  We will only continue to grow with our mass mailing outreach project(check it out under the advocacy, awareness, activism  board/forum) if your interested in helping.  

Alot of the newbies have questions like What is pentox?  How does it work?  How do I use the VED? etc.  While some of these questions can be answered for example by going to the VED section of the forum and veteran VED people can answer, it could be beneficial to start a new topic just for new member questions. On the other hand do we need to create a new topic or board?  We need more people to volunteer to moderate a board, its really not that hard.  We also need members to use common sense in not creating more and more topics that are not really needed.  I'd hate to see the day only certain moderators can create new topics.... I hope it does not come to this.  Everyone try to use some common sense and thoughtfullness in your posts.  Our forum is now growing rapdily we will only get bigger in size, this is good for everyone, but does produce some small issues to deal with.



Unless I am missing something, we have (mostly Angus) provided for new members at a G R E A T effort to us.  Every board has a highlights section.  We cannot spoon feed people that do not care enough to invest any effort on their own part.

If a member goes to the VED thread and asks "how do you use a VED?" a fully legitimate response is "First read the board highlights then come back with your questions!"  We have provided a design and framework.  It was a huge effort and it is a very workable solution.  We can not help people with no interest in learning, no interest in following advice or instructions, no interest in following through!

For us to make a new member question area actually undermines our structure in my mind.  It would become a catch-all area for discussion on the topics already assigned to every existing board.  After that happened we would still get the same questions over and over.  We would be as well off with a chat room instead of a forum.  Why even record and organize posts if no one reads them before asking their questions?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums