Stem Cells & Adult stem cell injections for Peyronie's

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Just wanted to update a little more as last night I was a bit tired and may have left some stuff out:

The type of scarring I have is thin but covers a large area (aprox. half my penis) so it causes an hourglass instead of a curve.  So I asked Dr. Lander if we could harvest enough stem cells to cover if not all the area at least a good portion or the worst of it and he said yes.  Upon examination he could palpitate the scars, which many doctors could not in the past even though I could feel them.  He immediately found the problem area that we both agreed was the worst and he began injecting. All in all I say he covered about 60% of my problem area,  but it was the worst 60%.  So I'm glad that he injected more volume per area than diluting it across the whole area, as I think I'll have a better chance with the higher concentration in the really bad spots.  If I see improvement, then I will have him inject in the remaining area at a later date.  

Upon waking this morning I noticed my stomach area felt a little better than last night and my penis felt a little worse as the anesthetic wore off.  There is a considerable amount of bruising as he said there would be, but less swelling than I expected.


Chef, I know Dr Lander's specialty is Urology.  Did you happen to ask how many Peyronies Disease patients he has treated with the Stem Cells to date ?

Hang in there I am sure the bruising and swelling will improve soon. Very interesting thread.
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.


I know for me the swelling took a while to completely go away. I have to admit it was scary to look at me penis as bruised and swollen. Kind of reminded me of when a frog puffs up its chin. I think most of it is fluid though at least from my experience. I am very interested in the results with the prp as he only did stem cells for me when I had it done. I also had difficulty because I was skinny and he had to lipo from above the back side of my left hip and it took a while to get the fat they needed. I never had any discomfort in my penis though even after the numbing agent wore off.  


Quote from: Sargonnas on January 23, 2013, 03:31:58 AM
LOL no I wish koolx I was talking about the guys on this thread.

but did YOU get stem cell treatment for ED or peyronies? if so, how was the treatment so far?


funnyfarm: I don't know exactly how many he's done, when I talked to him on the phone originally he said he's done quite a few. I believe it as when I went, it was surprisingly a very active facility.  I probably seen about 10 different patients come in and out in the 4 hours I was there, although I think I was the only Peyronies Disease patient that day.

rd: I don't really feel pain, just pressure that's uncomfortable from the swelling.  It looks exactly as you described(frog puff), but the swelling is already down by half since yesterday, although I bet the bruising will take a couple weeks to go away.  The only thing that really hurts if I move the wrong way is the puncture wound from the lipo.  


Thanks Chef, I definitely will look into this in the future if conventional treatments do not work for me.  
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.


Chef sounds like my experience I don't think I had as many injections as you that's why I didn't have the same feelings. I did however have a little pain/discomfort from the lipo area for a good few months. This might be because of the location of my lipo. I would mostly notice it getting in and out of the car and when doing twisting motions.


yea rd, I'm not sure how many passes he got on you with the needle, but he got a lot on me.  I was woken up a few times last night by erections that were a bit painful from all the injections as he did inject across a large area, so it's still a bit sore.  The swelling however has gone down to almost nothing 3 days later, so I'm pleased about that.  The funny thing is, my flaccid pain I was having on a daily basis has been completely absent the last couple days.  I'm not saying it was the treatment per say as it's gone away on occasion before here and there, but it still feels good.  


Quote from: chefcasey on January 25, 2013, 08:21:18 AM
I was woken up a few times last night by erections that were a bit painful from all the injections as he did inject across a large area, so it's still a bit sore.

hey chef.. its good that ur recovering. were u able to have erections before the treatment?


Quote from: koolx on January 25, 2013, 11:03:58 PM
Quote from: chefcasey on January 25, 2013, 08:21:18 AM
I was woken up a few times last night by erections that were a bit painful from all the injections as he did inject across a large area, so it's still a bit sore.

hey chef.. its good that ur recovering. were u able to have erections before the treatment?

yes...Peyronies Disease hasn't affected my capacity to get erections, just makes them painful and deformed


Hey Chef

First of all well done for having the courage to go through with this treatment and taking the bull by the horns and being proactive to tackle Peyronies Disease.

What timeframe have you been given with regard to seeing any positive results?




Quote from: lukewill on January 26, 2013, 08:27:48 AM

What timeframe have you been given with regard to seeing any positive results?



aprox. 3 months


I can only wish that this procedure can actually restore penile tissue. If that its possible I wouldnt mind higher or even much higher prices as that would be a damn miracle.


I agree with you Sargonnas.  How can you put a price on a healthy sex life..   Chef did the doctor say if more than one treatment may be required to achieve the optimum result ?
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.


Quote from: funnyfarm on January 27, 2013, 01:15:39 PM
I agree with you Sargonnas.  How can you put a price on a healthy sex life..   Chef did the doctor say if more than one treatment may be required to achieve the optimum result ?

I agree 100%.  I would give every penny I have for my old penis back.  Additional treatments will definitely be wanted in my case because we couldn't inject in every area of scarring I have.  This also is dependent on if the first round is successful.  I really must wait a few months to see if there is any change. To me, success is some reversal in my condition.  I am a pretty good control for something like this as nothing has worked for me in over 2 years and I have literally tried everything that had any logical reasoning to it.  If it is successful and I want another round, the doctor will drop the price to 3500, I believe the same went for rd.  


Quote from: chefcasey on January 27, 2013, 02:24:49 PM
Quote from: funnyfarm on January 27, 2013, 01:15:39 PM
I agree with you Sargonnas.  How can you put a price on a healthy sex life..   Chef did the doctor say if more than one treatment may be required to achieve the optimum result ?

I agree 100%.  I would give every penny I have for my old penis back.  Additional treatments will definitely be wanted in my case because we couldn't inject in every area of scarring I have.  This also is dependent on if the first round is successful.  I really must wait a few months to see if there is any change. To me, success is some reversal in my condition.  I am a pretty good control for something like this as nothing has worked for me in over 2 years and I have literally tried everything that had any logical reasoning to it.  If it is successful and I want another round, the doctor will drop the price to 3500, I believe the same went for rd.

That is the same deal they offered me. And I saw results around the 2-3 month range and even up to a year later. After the year I haven't seen any results, and am really thinking about doing a second treatment but I have to get some money saved up before I can.



Apologies if you have already mentioned this before, but may I ask what degree of improvement and results you achieved from your experience with stem cell therapy?





The treated plaques and one plaque that developed later near the treated area but not part of it all went away. I developed two new ones though, one just below the treated area and another small one that may have been there before but was only noticeable by touch which I discovered after treatment. It is hard to see doesn't hurt and causes no deformity that I can tell maybe the slightest dent if anything. The remaining one that is noticeable causes hour glassing or a dent. I haven't had any shortening or curve only hour glassing or dents. I have more details if you read from the beginning of this thread I updated as changes happened so it will give you a better idea and time line.


sargonnas i asked before but i dont think u saw my last post to u..  did u have stem cell therapy done to for peyronies or ED?


Kool I said to you before that no and I dont see where in this thread I confused you about that one lol I wish I had thats all.


I wonder if this treatment could be synergistic with xiaflex? Dissolve the plaque then use stem cells to regrow healthy tissue in place of it...
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


skunkworks, that's sounds like a viable solution theoretically. I can't think of why it would not work.
Got Testosterone?


i was wondering.. is it possible to combine acell and stem cells? maybe this can be effective. i know there are studies doing this for other conditions. maybe this can be a viable solution.



ABout stem cell injections, I did not notice any improvements so far, but it's quite normal if you get it peri-plaque and not intra-plaque.

I will get some PRP injections at the beginning of March, this time directly into the plaque in local anethesia.

I will try to improve healing in this way:

- by taking a mix of arginine akg, pycnogenol, CoQ10 and Vitamin E
- by using a traction device just bought, it's much more comfortable than normal ones, I will write its name if it's permitted
- by alternating 15 minutes of "jelquing exercices" and 15 minutes of VED

After 2 months I will repeat the PRP injections let's see what happens...

By the way, how many IU of VitE do you suggest for peyronies? Thank you


fracture for jelquing? very strange mate..I found them on a free forum, in which people can write also about injuries etc...I think if you do it correctly and slowly you won't have any problems. For example, penis must not be 100% erect, this is one of the main rules.


Dont do jelquing, stretching or any other stupid crap. Only in this forum you can find four or more people injured by those damn exercises and I have seen many more scathered around other boards. WOMEN DOESNT CARE IF YOUR PENIS ITS NORMAL SIZE AND WORKS FINE. If I could come back in time I would spit on the idea of torturing my penis to gain a few miserable cms. I lost a lot of my sensivity, now I have CPPS (hard flaccid its CPPS) that can be strong enough some days to make me moan and shout , spontaneous erections are a dream of the past (except maybe 5 every month lol) and I cannot have real orgasms anymore. I am not impotent but my sexual life its damaged, maybe forever. Oh yeah and I gained 1,5 cms of length and maybe some girth. No worth it.

Dont believe me? Look for "hard flaccid" in the PEgym forum. A LOT of those cases were caused by... penis enlargement exercises.

If you do the exercises well they supposedly arent harmful. But its VERY EASY to do them wrong. Im radically against all this now and I think these boards should be all be taken down and every bit of info about "PE".  ;)


OK maybe it's better to stop them...I will continue only with the extender,it was suggested by several urologists that I consulted.
My real big problem is not the plaque itself but the loss of lenght... + 1,5cm is a dream for me


Quote from: yyy on February 05, 2013, 01:09:25 PM

- by alternating 15 minutes of "jelquing exercices" and 15 minutes of VED

i STRONGLY suggest that you NOT do any jelqing or p/e exercises. theyre VERY dangerous and can lead to absolute impotence. there are tons of people who have tried jelqs and are now impotent for life. any uro will tell u that these are dangerous penis exercises and should be avoided.  


People are waking up to the fact that Penis Enlargement exercises are a trap, and I am glad. I wish someone would have told me back in the day. I didnt know they erase comments or logs about negative experiences in those forums but it doesnt surprise me a bit now.


I'm starting to get a little scared about the procedure.
You know, my lump is caused by a surgery, I've got some sutures around/inside it, I don't want to worsen the situation by injecting into it. At the same time I'd like to change things,I can't keep living this way.
As I've read, a small lump is quite normal after a Nesbit procedure, but mine is quite big and clearly palpable...Hope situation will improve with PRP  ::)


When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.


I think it's quite useless in my case, and most of all it caused me lots of side effects such as severe diarrhea and gastric issues


for those who had the PRP with stem cell therapy, have u noticed better and stiffer erections?


Just to update:  It's been one month since my prp/stem cell combo.  I have nothing to report, no change in condition good or bad.  I kind of hoped to see something positive by now, but there's still about 2 months of a window left to see something.  Otherwise I'll have concluded it was not a success.


Quote from: chefcasey on February 23, 2013, 06:22:59 PM
Just to update:  It's been one month since my prp/stem cell combo.  I have nothing to report, no change in condition good or bad.  I kind of hoped to see something positive by now, but there's still about 2 months of a window left to see something.  Otherwise I'll have concluded it was not a success.

just give it another month. dr. lander recommends that one wait at least 3 months for  tentative progress. dont give up.


Quote from: chefcasey on February 23, 2013, 06:22:59 PM
Just to update:  It's been one month since my prp/stem cell combo.  I have nothing to report, no change in condition good or bad.  I kind of hoped to see something positive by now, but there's still about 2 months of a window left to see something.  Otherwise I'll have concluded it was not a success.

Chef like you I was disappointed at the month mark after having the treatment. I didn't see results until the 2-3 month range. Then again aprox a year from the procedure.


Quote from: rd on February 27, 2013, 07:18:57 AM
Quote from: chefcasey on February 23, 2013, 06:22:59 PM
Just to update:  It's been one month since my prp/stem cell combo.  I have nothing to report, no change in condition good or bad.  I kind of hoped to see something positive by now, but there's still about 2 months of a window left to see something.  Otherwise I'll have concluded it was not a success.

hey rd.. has the treatment helped u get more frequesnt and better erections?

Chef like you I was disappointed at the month mark after having the treatment. I didn't see results until the 2-3 month range. Then again aprox a year from the surgery.


Quote from: rd on February 27, 2013, 07:18:57 AM
Quote from: chefcasey on February 23, 2013, 06:22:59 PM
Just to update:  It's been one month since my prp/stem cell combo.  I have nothing to report, no change in condition good or bad.  I kind of hoped to see something positive by now, but there's still about 2 months of a window left to see something.  Otherwise I'll have concluded it was not a success.

Chef like you I was disappointed at the month mark after having the treatment. I didn't see results until the 2-3 month range. Then again aprox a year from the surgery.

hey rd.. has the treatment helped u get more frequesnt and better erections?



Lets not be quoting quotes of quotes.  The "reply" button is the standard button used for posting, not the quote button.  

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Never had a problem with errections Koolx, they have always been normal. I just had dents(hour glassing) and pain/discomfort.


Quote from: rd on March 02, 2013, 05:02:24 PM
Never had a problem with errections Koolx, they have always been normal. I just had dents(hour glassing) and pain/discomfort.

yes i know that.. but have u noticed better erections after the treatment?


No difference in erections they have always been rock hard and easy to achive


has anyone here felt they had better erections after stem cell treatment?


important update,

Starting from the 3rd month I got fuller and improved erections, but I don't know if it's thanks to stem cells. I'm not taking any supplement or cialis at the moment.
Also length seems to be improved, but maybe only because Im getting fuller erections.
Plaque and curvatire seems to be the same as before, I remember he did not inject into it.
At the end of March I will get PRP injections, pretty confident at the moment! Im having some improvements, this is great!


When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.



if erections improved to the point where length increased in size given you didnt take any pills, i'd attribute it to the stem cells.

you're doing better.

Quote in violation of forum rules deleted by administrator.  Double post deleted!

user of no names

YYY, chef casey or rd How did they know where the plaques where?  Did they do a penile duplex ultrasound?  I have an appointment with Dr Levine on friday to get his opinion.  I was waiting for xiaflex to come out or something like stem cells before doing surgery.  I may possibly do the stem cell procedure if more positive results occur from you guys.  I will bring up stem cells and prp with Dr Levine to see what his opinion is.  This disease sucks but need to do something.
Thanks jesse



The doctor was able to feel where my scar tissue was upon examination and could see it as my deformity is present in the flaccid state.  He recognized it within seconds and confirmed with me that this was the area, and I confirmed before the injections.  I suppose that if it is hard to spot or not palpable, you could use an ultrasound as a guide.  I was also a patient of Levine's at one time and recieved the duplex ultrasound.  It was helpful in confirming that I had no calcification or blood flow problems, but other than that it can't really see what's going on deep in the tissues.  He was very understanding and thorough, but had nothing more to offer me than pentox and and a recommendation for traction.  Since nothing else helped, I decided to go through with stem cells, sort of a last ditch effort since I'm not a candidate for xiaflex or surgery.  I can tell you that it's been aprox. 2 months since my treatment and I see no changes yet in anything so I don't know if it will be successful or not.  I can also tell you the procedure is completely safe(at least with Dr. Lander).  Any soreness, bruising, swelling, or pain I had with the injections and accompanying lipo is completely gone, sometimes I forget I even had it done.  Hope this helps.  


hey yyy... did u have any Erectile Disfunction issues before taking the stem cell treatment?  


Well, erections were not strong before, now they are just a little better but not completely satisfactory
My lump is quite big and completely palpable so no need to look for it
Next tuesday I will get PRP injections into the plaque, at last