Stem Cells & Adult stem cell injections for Peyronie's

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Not much to report since my last post. I am saving up for a second proceedure and also talked to someone on the phone who said they were having it done in two weeks so I believe that might have been this week or next. They said they would keep me up to date on there progress as well. I'm not sure I will be able to have the second proceedure before the year is over as I have had some expenses come up(dog blew out his ACL) but I am putting a little bit away each month towards a follow up proceedure. Wish I had more to report. I will post any info from the person I spoke to on the phone results wise as he reports them to me as well. So that way we will have two accounts of how the proceedure did for two different individuals.  



Thanks for the information, crossing you fingers to have enough for the followup process as soon as possible.

Sorry to hear about your dog, I love them, my mother was allways saying they are better than humans. By the way, what is ACL? I am not so good in English, so I don't know.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Yeah he has bad luck with his rear legs already having torn his other acl years ago and having surgery for that as well. Oh and ACL stands for anterior cruciate ligament(


Just wanted to give a update. I have been leaving the plaque alone for a month at a time then checking it to see if there were any changes. Well this morning I checked the remaining lump that was treated and it has become really soft and squishy. Up until this time it was a hard rice shaped lump running side ways on my shaft. This is what the other one appeared to do before it disappeared. So I am hoping this does the same. I still have the hour glass deformity and a plaque on the other side of my shaft but I don't expect the hour glass deformity to go away until I can't feel the lump even though it is very soft and has no hardness at all. It's been about 10 months since I had the treatment and like I said before I am saving up little by little for a follow up as well. I am also going to email Dr landers and let him know that I am still interested in a follow up but am still having changes so I am going to wait one because of money and two to see if things continue to change. I also found that laying on a heating pad seem to help any pain or discomfort I have. I went out to and just bought a cheap CVS heating pad and put it on the second highest level and lay on that when I go to sleep. At some point while sleeping I end up rolling off of it and or knocking it off the bed but the heat seems to help a lot with the pain and discomfort even the short time I lay on it before falling asleep.



Thanks for the update. Is very encouraging!
I know that in Peyronies everything is very personal and what is working for one may not work for an other, but your results are very promising.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Hi to all,

i'm very interested into this thread, let me tell you why

i'm in treatment for peyronie, but it is a strange peyronie. i've pain, curvature, inflammation, but - standing to 2 ecodoppler that i ve done in the last 6 month - i've no plaque! from ultrasound analysis seems that i ve "only" fibrosis area  (i dont know how to explain, my english is very bad). I dont know if on this forum there is someone without no placque, maybe i ve read one in the past. but no others...

anyway, during these 2 years, i ve read a lot to understand what i have and i ve found casually another autoimmune disease that can hit penis and that does not develop placque, but only fibrosis area (on the tunica too, but either on glans). It is called lichen sclerosus, and it is a very similar for some things to peyronie... (you can google to find some information... )

so, today i ve found this topic and i ve read about stem cells. i remember a similar thing.......for lichen sclerosus

I know that in Italy (Genova) dr. Casabona is using with success stem cells for lichen sclerosus (for women, but men too..). It is an experimental methods, but seems it works becuase i ve read that comes people from other countries...

Now. I want to be clear, i dont know if it is the same thing, but in my opinion the effects of "dead-tissue" are very very similar (i ve no placque!) so im going to call the dr. casabona next month to talk about my situation and to listen what he think about it. The treatment with stem cell is the same..

Genova is near to my town, i can not loose this opportunity... i want to know if you agree with me about what i ve written

(again, excuse me for my english..)


Sounds interesting to me! Please keep us informed and what you learn about the process!
Thank you for posting i will read up on this tonight!



One question for rd and others:

Is a stem cell injection the same of a Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injection?

If not, what's exactly a Stem cell Injection? where do they take the stem cells? thanks



A stem cell injection is different then a PRP injection. I know Dr Landers is using a combination of the two for ED. But he doesn't do that for peryronies only the stem cell injection. A stem cell injection is the following. They harvest fat from your mid section which contains adult stem cells. Once harvested they run it through a machine/process that extracts, counts, and determines the health of the stem cells which are then injected into the lumps or plaques whatever you refer to them as.



Thank you for your quick reply.

According to your personal experience, would you advise this kind of injection?


I am posting a link to an article related to adult stem cell therapy.
It was done for ALS patients, not for Peyronies but the most important point is that phase I & II main issue was the safety of the treatment.
It may be interesting especially for rd because he is doing stem cell therapy for Peyronies and to anybody else intending to do such treatment.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Yeah I have had no ill effects from the treatment almost a year ago. In fact I had one lump go away, and I told fubar just recently in a pm that My remaining treated lump is really hard to find now. I believe its almost gone only with a trace amount of it left. I have to search around for it to find the little bit thats left. I also think the one I developed on the left side of my shaft has shrunk as well. I still have hour glassing but until the lump is fully gone I suspect the hour glassing to stay. But I am really encouraged in a years time to have had the progress I have had thus far. Also with the stem cell therapy I have kept a clean diet low in refined sugars and very little processed food. Basically just meats, nuts, berries, fruits and veggies. I also added more cardio to my workouts as before this I was primarly doing weight lifting. I haven't once been sick in over a years time since cleaning my diet even when around sick coughing sneezing clients at my office. I am going to continue to monitor my progress and report back.  



Your treatment is encouraging.
I just hope that in the future the treatment will be available in other parts of the world and will be covered by insurance.
I am sure many people that are reading your posts was doing the treatment if it was cheapper or covered by insurance.
What about ED? You had ED before the treatment?
Did you lost length and girth to the Peyronies? If yes, the treatment helped with this subject?

What is encouraging in the article I have posted the link that no side effects were monitored.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


James, I had no ed at all with my peyronies, no curve either just lumps pain and dents(hour glassing). No loss in length either. Hopefully if this is the answer it will get cheaper better and more available and covered by insurance.  



Thanks for the replay.
I was blessed with all the Peyronies effects.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


It seems that stem cell therapy is taking off more fast in the last period, with many success stories regarding organs regeneration.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


i'm tnhking about getting stem cell therapy for my condition of ED. has anyone improved their erectile dysfunciton with stem cells?


ED can be caused by a number of factors. The process of obtaining an erection is quite complex. I would think you would need to know exactly what the issue or malfunction is causing your ED problem before you could treat it it with stem cells.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: lwillisjr on August 06, 2012, 10:21:05 PM
ED can be caused by a number of factors. The process of obtaining an erection is quite complex. I would think you would need to know exactly what the issue or malfunction is causing your ED problem before you could treat it it with stem cells.

well, my ED was caused by a medication i took 16 yrs ago. it gave my body a lot of pain, especially in my groin area. it caused so much damage that the base of my erection were constricted.. the constriction is gone.. but the after effects are still there. i've been to many urols and they all cant help.

thats why i'm seeking stem cell therapy as help. anyone here had it done?


When i spoke with a Doctor who treats patients with stem cell. He told me there has not been a successful treatment for ED yet. I know this is something you do not want to here but this is what i was told. That is not to say it wont happen but the fact is that stem cells used for penile issues is new and in the early stage of research. Most treatment probably also patient funded.



Quote from: fubar on August 07, 2012, 12:52:04 AM
When i spoke with a Doctor who treats patients with stem cell. He told me there has not been a successful treatment for ED yet. I know this is something you do not want to here but this is what i was told. That is not to say it wont happen but the fact is that stem cells used for penile issues is new and in the early stage of research. Most treatment probably also patient funded.

but why then have there been so much research done with proof that verifies that stem cells can heal ED? the internet is abuzz with proof on this.

can you provide links that support what youre saying? i've never come across info that suggests what youre saying is accurate.. i'm not saying youre lying.. but i'd like to read up on solid research on this.please provide links.. thanks.



I will second fubar post word by word.
Quotethe internet is abuzz with proof on this
try to find a serious trial regarding "stem cell therapy". My self didn't find. Some people make good money from other people desperation.
I am proposing you also read "Developmental Drugs & Treatments > Stem Cells & Adult stem cell injections for Peyronies.
You may PM rd and ask him the question, he is doing stem cell therapy and maybe he knows the answer to your question.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: james1947 on August 07, 2012, 06:57:24 PM

I will second fubar post word by word.
Quotethe internet is abuzz with proof on this
try to find a serious trial regarding "stem cell therapy". My self didn't find. Some people make good money from other people desperation.
I am proposing you also read "Developmental Drugs & Treatments > Stem Cells & Adult stem cell injections for Peyronies.
You may PM rd and ask him the question, he is doing stem cell therapy and maybe he knows the answer to your question.


yeah i'll pm 'rd'. thanks.



I sent you a pm i never mentioned a link. I sent you the  doctors name and his center. So do a google and get his number and give him a call. I asked him about Ed because i have suffered from that as well. I know there are sites claiming that stem cells work for Ed but it just is not so. It would be all over the news millions of grand fathers standing in lines.  It would just be Epic!

Hope this helps



Some millions + 1 (I am also grand father already)
;D ;D ;D
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Just another update, its been a year since I had the stem cell injections, my last post I reported that I almost couldn't find my lumps. Well as of today I can't find them at all. I still have hour glassing but it seems to be getting less and less. The progress is slow and I would love it to be faster but it appears to be gaining thickness where the indent is of the hour glassing or filling in. I noticed even though the lumps can't be felt that it still gets sore when I poke and prode at it. I believe I may still have some inflammation left. I will give another update in about a month. I have also been eating only meats fruits veggies nuts and berries. I stay away from dairy breads and pastas. Every great once in a while I treat my self but I make it a very rare treat. Not sure if this has contributed to my improvements or not but wanted to mention it as well.



I think feeling a little inflammation in the area is a good sign. Letting you know your body is still at work, doing repair.

Good to hear you are doing well and your progress keeps us holding on. When thinking about it all hard to believe you stand alone in this treatment. You may have gone where no man has gone before having your own cells repair damage in your penis. On behalf of the forum and I  personally  applaud your courage. Though i would consider this the appropriate course. Many still feel xialflex, Pentox, coq -10 and various other remedies less invasive.

I suppose someone above our existence will sort this one out. Still i feel we are getting somewhere with all of this.I wish you the best my friend and feel inspired to hold on to hope with your report.



I will second fubar on every word and thank you for your constant updates.
Your courage is remarkable and your results as well.
I wish I was living in a place that this therapy is available.


Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Hi guys

I have an important update for me and maybe for you as well.

At the end of September I will do some PRP injections in my fibrotic plaque here in Italy. They will be totally free as covered by national health service.
The doctor said that PRP injections have more or less the same (good) effectiveness than the Stem cells ones, but they are much less invasive as the needle is much smaller.
About results, he used this technique with some patients affected by peyronies and he had improvements, sometimes very good sometimes not, but always little improvements; he added the procedure has no side effects.
I remember I do not have peyronie disease, only a fibrotic plaque due to a surgery; I PERSONALLY suppose that people with peyronies could have a bigger risk on having (all kind of) injections, but who really knows..this time Im pretty confident.

TO JAMES: I asked about foreign patients, he told me that EU citizens can be covered and have it for free but EXTRA-UE have to pay 400euros



Thank you for the updates, also regarding the injections and also regarding the coverage.
I am EU citizen but my problem is that with my severe ED I don't know if I have patience to wait more.
I have two questions:
1. What is PRP?
2. How many injections you will get?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


PRP is platelet rich plasma, they take and treat your own plasma and inject it into the plaque. It helps to regenerate new healthy cells
I will have one treatment (injections in several points), then we wait 3-4 months for the results and decide what to do


Quote from: yyy on August 21, 2012, 07:32:44 PM
PRP is platelet rich plasma, they take and treat your own plasma and inject it into the plaque. It helps to regenerate new healthy cells
I will have one treatment (injections in several points), then we wait 3-4 months for the results and decide what to do
Looking forward to your reports!!!
PRP injections a usually used to linder inflamation with tooth implants and for other surgery (like knees, tendons etc...)
I have read about it, there is very little though about them in relation with Peyronies Disease.
only thing I know for sure is, that it is not a fda approved treatment for Peyronies Disease.

the more than strange thing is, I found a patent application someone made for Peyronies Disease treatment:
Actually it is for injecting high pressure collagenase into the plaque.
but you can read in the explanations:
Quote[0060] In some embodiments, the cell matrix can include platelet rich plasma (PRP) or platelet poor plasma (PPP). PRP is blood plasma enriched with platelets. Through degranulation of the platelets, PRP can release different cytokines that can stimulate healing of soft tissue. Processes for PRP preparation include the collection of centrifugation of whole blood which separates PRP from platelet-poor plasma and red blood cells. In some cases, the adipose-derived stem cells are combined with PRP and injected into the area of the penile plaque following injection of the collagenase-containing composition for cell based therapy. The healing proteins in PRP are advantageous and can assist in making areas of the injected tissue "sticky" for the attraction and retention of the treatment cells. PRP also includes many regenerative proteins to hasten healing. The adhesive or retention function of PRP can prevent cells from migrating or being lost through vascular flow.

[0061] In some embodiments, the cell composition with adipose-derived stem cells includes platelet poor plasma (PPP). PPP is typically characterized by a very low number or platelets (<50000/uL) and a high concentration of fibrinogen. PPP can be prepared in a centrifugation process that separates it from PRP and red blood cells. PPP can provide an autologous scaffold-like material to keep injected cells local to penile plaque to improve the regenerative potential of the cells. PPP can be beneficial to tissue as well. The PPP can include a porous gelatinous material to keep cells local to the injection site and provide a therapeutic effect. PPP can allow the movement of cytokines and other signaling molecules in and out of the tissue for regenerative mechanisms local to the injection site.
(the patent application is here : )

Now my question: I have never heard of a patent on a treatment for a desease #?§% !!!



Quote from: yyy on August 21, 2012, 06:35:43 PM
Hi guys

I have an important update for me and maybe for you as well.

At the end of September I will do some PRP injections in my fibrotic plaque here in Italy. They will be totally free as covered by national health service.
The doctor said that PRP injections have more or less the same (good) effectiveness than the Stem cells ones, but they are much less invasive as the needle is much smaller.
About results, he used this technique with some patients affected by peyronies and he had improvements, sometimes very good sometimes not, but always little improvements; he added the procedure has no side effects.
I remember I do not have peyronie disease, only a fibrotic plaque due to a surgery; I PERSONALLY suppose that people with peyronies could have a bigger risk on having (all kind of) injections, but who really knows..this time Im pretty confident.

TO JAMES: I asked about foreign patients, he told me that EU citizens can be covered and have it for free but EXTRA-UE have to pay 400euros

Does anyone know if anything like this is available in the UK?


This area of study should me much more researched. I believe if there were more stem cell researchers working specifically on effective peyronies treatment, there would be major advances in the near future. What could be better than to grow healthy tissue back. I one of the young ones on this forum and this feels like a new hope. Even if i have to wait years. At this point, i definately dont want to do anything  irreversible, because you never know if a new type of effective treatment could be just a year or two around  the corner. I just wish more stem cell reasearchers were focused on use for peyronies.



It is not a research, it is just one forum member testimony, but I am proposing you to read rd (forum member) posts on the subject. It sounds promising. :)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



Though James is a good man he is spreading himself thin. I brought adult stem cells to treat Peyronie's and  regenerative medicine to the forum. Then he became a moderator and gave george999  who is the forums genius of vitamins and health my topic. However i started it and can answer your question being the one of two that can give you testimony. RD is the only other having the treatment not me

I do stay in touch with Rd and he with me. I spoke to the doctor of the treatment center and the treatment is totally patient  funded.  Rd will tell you the same. If the post still exist as it seems many being deleted by new moderators looking to be of importance.

Take a look for yourself do not ask for answers so much look for resolve. Call the stem cell center he is a good doctor. Be warned every procedure is tweaked because they are trying to find remedy. He was very truthful with me  do not have the answer yet.

RD has had positive changes then again so have i with out stem cell treatment. you should always research everything do not think we know answers?;We do not we are looking too. We support and give what works for us.
Some are knew with many answers but to be honest do not ask much better to use the search bar.

I could not find a post that was tagged by a moderator , punched in some words that i wrote and i was not disappointed.  Put a little work and i find my answer.

Fubar ( do not settle for quick answer!)

ps. when i talked to Dr. landers they knocked a couple bills off the treatment is about three thousand dollars now

Patient funded mind you! Just one mans testimony with hinge, bent loss of girth uselessly looking for resolve.


richard wheeler

I spoke to Dr Lander last week . he was nice and answered all my questions .i am on the fence about whether or not to pursue this. I am glad that you mentioned the cost being around 3 grand. He quoted me at the start 7 grand!!!!i told him i knew what rd was charged and he said he could probably knock it down to 6 grand! maybe Canadians have more money!!!lol.


I haven't really been keeping up on all the post for stem cells, but please be aware of scams.  There have recently been reports on 60 Minutes (a reporting program in the USA) about con artists that claim that stem cells are the cure all to any disease.  If it is legit than I wish you luck, but please be careful.

Here is the link:  Stem Cell Fraud: A 60 Minutes investigation - CBS News
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this signature line text with your profile info such as
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*** You will waste less time in both providing and getting answers ***


Quote from: fubar on September 04, 2012, 01:32:21 AM

If the post still exist as it seems many being deleted by new moderators looking to be of importance.

I don't want to get off topic here but need to make a point of clarification. None of the moderators here that I am aware of are deleting any posts. If a thread starts to go in the direction of a different topic, we may split the thread to keep the integrity of the first topic and start the second. But all the posts/threads should be intact.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: fubar on September 04, 2012, 01:32:21 AM
....If the post still exist as it seems many being deleted by new moderators looking to be of importance.



You owe an apology to me and to every moderator on this forum.  I have poured my money and thousands of hours of blood, sweat, and tears into setting up the the best resource for men and their partners for Peyronies Disease on the internet.  It was and is based on giving a voice to all, including those that make ridiculous statements.  A good example is your statement and the statement you begged moderators to delete this week because it did not suit you.  THIS FORUM WAS FOUNDED EXPLICITLY TO PREVENT THE CENSORSHIP THAT HAPPENS ON DOCTOR RUN FORUMS, to prevent the kind of censorship you wanted to impose on others and accused moderators of imposing on you.  NO Peyronies Disease RELATED POSTS ON THIS FORUM ARE EVER DELETED.  

Furthermore your snide remark about moderators looking to be important is ignorant and unappreciative.  These few men that I can get to dedicate their time unselfishly serving men like you deserve NOTHING EXCEPT YOUR GRATITUDE.  If you don't know how to find your own posts, I am sure that some of the moderators that you insult will teach you how to use the forum if you show a little humility.

Now, if you are having a bad week, I sympathize but you need to gain some composure and ask for help because this makes twice today I have had to address your inappropriate posts.  I am getting impatient with spending this much time dealing with one member's attitude.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Just a follow-up to my last post.  Apparently Fubar decided to delete his membership after sending me PM's that he owes no one apologies and that maybe I should "sell the forum".  Apparently from his PM's he thinks we have paid moderators that compete with each other and that we make money on the forum.  At any rate, I am disappointed with his decision.  It is a let down when you lose respect for someone.  Since he chose to delete his membership some of his nonsense posts along with my replies will likely be deleted.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I had to come back after seeing this post. What , you think of me as a coward?  That is a big let down that you would address a pm on the open forum. As we all know pm's are personal messages. I know how to use a search bar and find post. I mentioned in my pm my concerns why you should sell the forum. Unlike you i will not mention them as it was a personal message.

I do have to address your comment about me saying moderators being paid to compete for monatary funds. Money,  really? Thats nonsense and we both know this forum is worth much more than money. As for its monatary value it is infact not worth much. However to me and othet suffers it is worth much more.

It is the sole place where we can go among other men and share our knowledge,  pain and discovery. Integrety among pm's also. Those are shared amongst the individuals and not to be changed or moderated to suit ones own purpose, or save face.

Shame on you! Hire does not always mean money ( to engage ) Which could mean appoint i am just putting it out there. Maybe lable or make someone of importance? To impliment a leader. I never said anything about money. So maybe a misunderstanding and you could have sent me a personal message for explanation rather than assuming .



My topic was adult stem cells and regenerative medicine.

Both being of study and importance of Dr. Anthony joseph Atala. Peyronie's the reason he entered Urology.

Just putting it out there.

Just another rediculous post.  




Welcome back to the forum. :)
I am sure we all can find the way and to be in the relations as we was. :)
We are brothers in arms, we all suffer from this horrible disease that takes a heavy toll on all of us. :(

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



Yes we all live with the effects of this disease. We all share the pain and feel  broken. Our relationship has not changed buy any barrier. You are my friend and always will be. Thank you for your understanding and friendship.



Quote from: yyy on August 21, 2012, 06:35:43 PM

At the end of September I will do some PRP injections in my fibrotic plaque here in Italy. They will be totally free as covered by national health service.

Hi - any news on this please. Did you have the PRP injections?


Just another update, all my original lumps are gone and I still have a bit of a indent/hourglassing located where the lumps use to be but the indent slowly seems to be getting better frustratingly slow i might add.  I did develop another small plaque a few weeks ago just below where the original lumps were but it to appears to be shrinking and getting softer. I will update in another month with my progress.



At the end I will do STEM CELL injections taken by my adipose tissue. The doctor will not do PRP because of a problem with a machinery that cannot sterilize completely don't know what...Have not understood very well...

Now a couple of question for rd:

- Did they do local anesthesia when they used that quite big needle for stem injections?

- What about healing, pain and swelling in the following days?

- After the procedure, when could you have normal erections and normal sexual activity?




I only had stem cell injections not PRP.

As for you questions:

- They did do a local anesthesia I was awake they just numbed me up. I got two of those one for the lipo to get the stem cells and one before they inject them. So I had one in my lower left back. I had mine done on my lower left back right above the hip because I have very little body fat typically it is done from the lower abs. The second was around the lumps that were to be injected.

- The proceedure wasn't bad at all. After reading about the Xfliax injections I was expecting a lot worse. I had no pain or discomfort, I had some brusing and some swelling although they inject a lot into the penis so I'm not sure how much was swelling and how much was from the injection.

- I actually got a errection that night following the proceedure with no pain or discomfort of course it was really weird looking because of all the stem cells and fluid with the stem cells that was injected. I can't answer you for sexual activity as I haven't had any since almost the begining of this condition which had been two years aprox now. I can have sex but it is unpleasent so I have chosen not to have sex until I resolve it.

The worst part and most unfomfortable part was the lipo which wasn't bad just picking the worst part of the whole proceedure. I was actually only sore from the lipo never go sore from the injections. The lipo took a few weeks before it felt normal again.


This thread its pretty amazing I must say. There has been some REAL progress with RD for what I have been reading. And he didnt even had ED. Maybe if he had the stem cell treatment could have improved that as well, no doubt, because perhaps the stem cells can regenerate blood vessels and nerves. We people with severe ED must face that those are possibilities.

Makes me feel hopeful as I am only 21 and in what it seems acute phase sooo I would love to get those bio-nanites into my old poor thing. Maybe in the future, because right now its pretty much impossible. I have had surgeries that costed my parents double or more the procedure RD got but if no doctor prescribes me the stem cell therapy and it is done in the other side of the Atlantic sea things are different.