Stem Cells & Adult stem cell injections for Peyronie's

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It could have promise at some point - I'm glad you posted it - my comment wasn't in response to your post really.. more in a response to the FAQ and vagueness on that site.

I don't think we know enough about stem cells yet to just inject them.  Dr. Perovic in Serbia would seed a PLGA scaffold with plasma and then implant that into your penis to enhance girth (which would be "natural" since it came from your own cells plus the scaffold which disintegrates)... sounds like is a stem cell kind of thing... not sure what the results are like though from his patients.  He passed away but another doctor is doing the surgery now.



From what I have learned from watching my first Stanford seminar.I would not let anybody inject me without knowing it was going to work.I encourage you however to you tube this. I believe it does give hope in the future.It seems like everything with this disease is up in the air.

I want to think that this science will work for us and everyone troubled with diseases and I have more than one.



Yeah this seems like it's in the very early Guinea pig phase. I think they are basing this treatment off scaring from heart attacks. I have read they have used stem cells to reduce/eliminate scaring after having a heart attack. Apparently the stem cells take root and regrow the correct tissue and veins to support it.


To all

I mentioned to bring this up as topic not a resolution!



I am reading this post with a wait and see attitude. Being fairly new to the disease I have been doing quite a bit of reading and planning my attack on fighting it. Stem cell may offer some hope in the future, but it is too early to tell. The fact is there is little to no funding in researching Peyronies disease because it affects such a small percentage of the population. If stem cell does prove to be helpful in the distance future, it will be a result of some other problem being repaired and this being an off chute of that result. I do hold out some hope that the medical community will one day help us, but I believe that it will take someone with great power in the medical field being affected by peyronies for funding to come forward.
In the mean time we are the Guinea pigs. If we all work together and share information like this form is doing, we may strike gold one day. Keep on beleiving


I just want to let everyone know I just had the procedure done at the California Stem Cell treatment Center. I know most of you all believe it to be a scam but after doing much research I took the plunge, I actually just got back to the hotel. I had a pleasant experience and the staff was more the welcoming and willing to answer all my questions. The procedure wasn't that bad 30 min for the mini lipo and about 15 min for the injections. They harvested 19 million stem cells and injected it to and around my plaque. They said from what they have seen doing this procedure that it is more effective on the early stage/active stage of the disease which I am in. They said to give it 3 months for any results. After all was done the Dr actually drove me back to my hotel. I will let you know any results I see. They still do not promise any results as they say this is new and they just don't know enough about how all this works but are optimistic. If I have good results I will let everyone know, if I do not I will let you know so that no one else bothers with this procedure.


We are all  thankful that you took the time to report on your "ground breaking " or should we say " Plaque breaking " Stem Cell treatment. I have got to hand it to you rd , going to Beverly Hills for this treatment. I recall phoning them back in April after looking up their web site . Fubar had alerted me to this treatment.
I am going to our initial Canadian Peyronies Disease Support Group meeting this evening in Hamilton and will table your report as a great point of interest in available treatments.
Many members are no doubt anxiously awaiting your progress reports.
All my best wishes for a positive outcome.



I am thankful you decided to post this today as you pm'd me earlier and said you wanted to wait.Wow you have balls man, you have pioneering in your blood.I remember I think it was last April you telling me if you did not see progress that you were going to give stem cell a try and  you did.

I remember starting this thread with mixed emotions amd watching it come to a hault.You jumped in and did more research and had the treatment. Wonder if you will share some of your knowledge?

I brought the California stem cell to the forum.I hope I won't regret that.I wish you the best and that you get relief from the Peyronie's symptoms all together.I admire your bravery as many might think you are crazy for doing this.I'm sure you thought long and hard about this.

Please keep us informed and thank you: fubar


Just got back home from Cali, swelling has gone down a bunch. I have no pain to speak of. I don't know if this is because it is swollen or not. I constantly had weird annoying and uncomfortable feelings while flaccid the majority of the time before this treatment unless I left it alone and by alone I mean no touching the area even being careful not to touch the area while going to the bathroom. The doctor did tell me that I probably wouldn't have any discomfort because the stem cells have a anti inflammatory effect.


Gutsy effort RD, I'm impressed.

I hope the results meet your expectations.

Having just completed the xiaflex trial I know what it is like waiting for something / anything to happen.

Did they do any "before" measurements on you and do you have to go back for any check ups.




Did insurance cover this? What kind of price tag is someone looking at for this?  Keep us posted!




They didn't do any before measurements, because I didn't have a curve just a dent and pain. Because I live on the east coast and can't afford to go back and forth for follow ups they will check in by phone and email to check my progress and to keep me from having to fly back out. They said that they want to see how things go over the next 3 months which I should see results if I am going to have any by then. They said that's how long it typically takes the regeneration to happen.


Insurance did not cover this as it is experimental. The cost for the peyronies treatment is $5,500.00. It is expensive but I felt it was worth a shot. I haven't had any pain or discomfort yet since the procedure I thought I would have some because of the injections in and around the plaque but none so far which is great but I just had it done wed afternoon so I will keep you all posted. I still have swelling but it keeps going down and is almost gone. The only thing that I notice is I do have soreness around the mini lipo area which is to be expected.  


Thanks for sharing your experience, fingers crossed for you.

One question I did not see asked was where do they extract the stem cells from , which part of the body?



I certainly hope this works for you.  If it does, I bet there will be many of us follow your lead.  I know I will be one of them.

Please keep us all updated as often as you can; I hope this will be a very exciting 3 months.



Quote from: UK on August 12, 2011, 08:48:29 AM
Thanks for sharing your experience, fingers crossed for you.

One question I did not see asked was where do they extract the stem cells from , which part of the body?

They usually do it from the mid section, but as soon as they saw how lean I was they decided to take it from the love handle area. I've always had very low body fat and last time I had it tested it was 3.9% I am always active and have a super fast metabolism and the part that had the most fat was my sides so that's where they took it from well just my left they didn't need to do my right as they got enough of the cells from the one side.


rd, I haven't researched it much, but do they extract just the stem cells from the fat cells they remove from the donor site?  I suppose that's why the price tag, they have to separate the stem from the non-stem cells in a lab environment.  


Quote from: restore on August 12, 2011, 12:21:25 PM
rd, I haven't researched it much, but do they extract just the stem cells from the fat cells they remove from the donor site?  I suppose that's why the price tag, they have to separate the stem from the non-stem cells in a lab environment.  

That's correct, after I had the mini lipo I had to wait aprox a hour for them to seperate the stem cells from the fat they extracted.


That price tag is cheap if it is successful ! Really do not get so excited.There is alot that can go wrong that is why I stoped posting on my own topic.Still I feel more interest in my own body repairing its self with my owm stem cell than xiaflex.

Companies,  scientist, government,  Companies own us money, money, money if you have money there it is.People. like are rd are more than money if it is real.I tend to trust nobody.But on a time date he's on the rule.



Quote from: rd on August 12, 2011, 07:39:41 AM

They didn't do any before measurements, because I didn't have a curve just a dent and pain. Because I live on the east coast and can't afford to go back and forth for follow ups they will check in by phone and email to check my progress and to keep me from having to fly back out. They said that they want to see how things go over the next 3 months which I should see results if I am going to have any by then. They said that's how long it typically takes the regeneration to happen.


Insurance did not cover this as it is experimental. The cost for the peyronies treatment is $5,500.00. It is expensive but I felt it was worth a shot. I haven't had any pain or discomfort yet since the procedure I thought I would have some because of the injections in and around the plaque but none so far which is great but I just had it done wed afternoon so I will keep you all posted. I still have swelling but it keeps going down and is almost gone. The only thing that I notice is I do have soreness around the mini lipo area which is to be expected.

Wow, you took that plunge with no curve or loss or size. But I guess that scary plaque you have made you do it ultimetely. Would they do this treatment with no plaque? How bad was your pain level rd? How big is your plaque and dent?

Thanks for keeping us in the loop rd.


My pain was pretty bad, in the beginning it was hard to wear pants and underwear. The seams would touch the plaque and cause great pain and even if it wasn't touched it would throb. I did find eventually though that if I just didn't touch the area at all the pain would go way down. I would still have uncomfortable feelings but no where near if I touched the area. My dent changed over the 11 months. It started as a bulge right near the head on the right side then changed from a bulge to a decline about a inch long. Sex would leave me in pain for days after and masturbation the same. The dent then changed to a S type curve so that where the plaque was it would decline then incline again. I could feel where it would slope down then back up. As long as I avoided touching the area I was OK not pain free but dealable. The Plaque started out as a riced shape then got bigger almost into a diamond shape. Then eventually broke into 2-3 peaces. Sometimes it was bigger and sometimes it felt smaller so not sure what to really tell you about the size as it seemed to change. The reason I did it was because I had stopped all dating, because with the pain I didn't want to have sex even though I love it. It was really effecting me emotionally and that's another reason I stopped dating and went forward with the procedure. So far I have been pretty much pain free with an occasional sting feeling that might pop of for a second or two then go away. I have been keeping away from the area as well. But it feels like it is a little better although it is to early to tell. The bruising continues to go away and where the injections were made is almost back to normal size /swelling lessening. I'm not sure if what is left is swelling to be honest as they did injected a lot into of stem cells and liquid into that area and maybe thats what I am seeing as swelling, all though it going back to normal size as the days go by. I've also had erretions which haven't hurt either. I never had a problem with pain and errections my pain was always flacid and didn't change with errection. Another reason why I did it was because of the research I did, I kept finding people using stem cells to repair damage areas of the body such as for damage after heart attacks, ance scars, hip displysia in dogs, etc. Most of the negative stuff I found on it was based on fears of cancer developing or just not knowing enough about them yet. I haven't had cancer that I know of and I wasn't really concerned with that happening. Plastic surgens have started using it in a lot of the proceedures for cosmetic reasons where they implant fat to fill area's and the stem cells help the fat to stay and take root and grow more. So this is why I didn't fear it causing cancer.



Have they offered a follow up or treatment as well? Do they want to see you again and evaluate?

How many releases of liability did you have to sign.



Quote from: fubar on August 18, 2011, 02:13:19 AM

Have they offered a follow up or treatment as well? Do they want to see you again and evaluate?

How many releases of liability did you have to sign.


The paper work wasn't bad at all. I sat down with the doctor went over everything then signed in a few places and initialed in others. Some of it was permission to photograph which I said no to, the other was are you willing to talk to others about your condition then the standard leagal stuff.

I received a call Monday to see how I was doing and she said she will send me a questioneer in a few weeks to fill out. Dr Lander said that once I hit the 3 month mark if I have had results that we can discuss a follow up treatment to further any results I see. If I don't have any results then there will be now follow up treatment. I mean I guess I could always insist on one but if it doesn't work the first time I'm not going to try it again.

Worried Guy


Quote from: Worried Guy on August 18, 2011, 12:53:55 PM
Would a follow up session mean another 5k?

I would assume so, I didn't go into details about that because I wanted to see if I get any results first. I know they are talking to other companies and trying to arrange for stem cell banking where you can have them stored and grown for future treatments. This isn't in place yet but once it is I would imagine this would drop the cost of follow up treatements as they don't have to harvest them or run them through the process of seperating the stem cells from fat. All they would have to do is grow more from the store and inject them.



Yeah if it does not work the first time.Why spend more money.Lets hope for good results.



I recently had a discussion with my psychiatrist about stem cell. One of his patient travelled to germany to try a cure for multiple sclerosis. She had no result eventhough the doctor made her some realistic promises.
The lab is closed now. It was called stem cell center if my memory is OK.


Thanks for the update rd. You're a brave man to take a plunge like this, but it's of course very interesting if it improves your condition. I only just realised that this thread had come back to life!


Just wanted to give everyone a update as it has almost been three months since I had the stem cell procedure done. They said I should notice something by 3 months if it is going to give me any results at all. I have been leaving the area alone for long periods of time and just checking it everyonce in a while. Last night while checking out the plaque I couldn't locate the bigger of the two plaques I had. This is the same plaque they put more focus on during the procedure because it was bigger and harder. I still have discomfort and hour glass deformity because of the remaining plaque but not being able to find the other one was really surprising and encouraging. I am going to wait till the end of october/begining of november to re examine my plaque to see if it remains gone. My plaques have fluctuated before and started off as one big plaque which broke into two peaces and actually felt like three peaces at times.


Thanks for the update again rd. That's a good sign that a lump has disappeared.

I hope your on pentox? What other treatments are you doing? I think what ever you can do to help the stem cells to do the repair would be a good thing. Of course to be careful not to interfere with the stem cell repair.

If I were you, I'd be on pentox, with some low-dose cialis (if no problems with ED) and some light sexual activity if you can. Also a healthy diet and no smoking and such.


Quote from: crashbandit on October 20, 2011, 06:38:09 PM
Thanks for the update again rd. That's a good sign that a lump has disappeared.

I hope your on pentox? What other treatments are you doing? I think what ever you can do to help the stem cells to do the repair would be a good thing. Of course to be careful not to interfere with the stem cell repair.

If I were you, I'd be on pentox, with some low-dose cialis (if no problems with ED) and some light sexual activity if you can. Also a healthy diet and no smoking and such.

I actually stop pentox because I wasn't sure what effect if any it would have on the stem cell procedure. I am only taking COQ10 one a day. I am eating healthy and cut as much processed foods as possible. I eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables during the week and i eat what ever i want on the weekends. I work out regularly 5 times a week cardio and weight lifting. One thing I started doing more of is stretching and maybe I'm imagining things but when I do a sit and reach to stretch out my hamstrings and lower back I sometimes feel a weird feeling in my plaque tingling kind of. I'm hoping that the plaque stays gone as before the stem cell treatment sometimes my plaques felt like they were shrinking one day then another they felt like they were at there biggest. I try not to touch the area much the less contact I have with it the less pain and discomfort I have. I will keep everyone informed though. Hopefully the one plaque will not reappear and the other one will go away as well.


Is any mecical expert currently studying injecting our own stem cells back into one's own penis in order to reset the clock to our orignial penis condition?  They are using this technology on so many other body parts; why not a penis?  If they inject stem cells from another person there might be rejection issues and life-long anti-rejection medication, but using our own penis cells might promt a regeneration of the damaged area back to its pre-damaged condition.  Which doctor in the world is in the forefront of using stem cells?  Perhaps he or she might be open to studying a cure to another body part.


Very, very interesting indeed.  These guys are the world leaders in the field right now ->

I have been watching them for a while now and thinking to myself about application to afflictions like Peyronie's.  - George


RD ( check his August 10/11 post) was the first Forum member , I believe , to undergo this treatment. He went to the California Stem Cell Treatment Center . He has been providing excellent follow up posts.
Now we seemingly  have a possible alternate choice on the east coast . From what I understand it is still experimental for Peyronies , but isn't almost everything we are trying more or less experimental ?

Still - the use of stem cell therapy may be just the ticket we have been waiting for.  



When i created this thread iput it out there as experimental.If this.does provide relief.Then we owe alot of gratatude to rd.There can be alot of complications durimg an experimental stage.

With out a doubt this is the futer for us,  regardless of rd's outcome. I know he belieaves this also and has taken the risk.Dr alata that has know affiliation with this treatment is the formost person fighting for a treatment in this disease as he created a team or it started as his general attempt.

In his progress he has expanded at other urology problems with children and peoples that need new bladders.He is the formost specialist and scientist that can help us.

Read about his efforts on the web, and think about reaching out to him as his first intentions were to correct Peyronie's.  If you decide to learn about what he can do,  the things you read will give you hope.We need to push him though.


Ps he is a rock star in his in devours.


I'll look him up as you suggested.  Thanks pal.



I'm looking but can't find Dr. Alata. Where do we go to find him?


Regenocyte, while having offices in Florida, actually does their procedures in the Dominican Republic.  CSCTC, on the other hand, is entirely US based.  Also, CSCTC seems to have more experience treating Peyronie's while Regenocyte is focusing on cardio and pulmonary applications.  At this point, I would go with CSCTC since they are using qualified urologists specializing in this approach.  At this point there are a number of other practitioners doing stem cell work, each group seems to be specializing in different niches.  For sure, this may well be the future of medicine when it comes to treating degenerative diseases.

I might add that I don't think this is a scam at all.  I think it is treatment with a lot of promise.  The reason it is not FDA approved is that it is experimental and the FDA does not approve experimental treatments for obvious reasons.  Even if the FDA views treatments negatively, that does not necessarily mean they are scams.  There is a lot of politics and money involved in medicine and not all FDA positions are as science based as they would have you believe.  There are huge amounts of money being made on treating incurable degenerative diseases.  Imagine the financial loss that would be created were something like this to be perfected to the point of producing a cure.  There is plenty of reason for vested interests to create as much opposition as possible to emerging therapies with potential for curing these scourges.  Additionally these stem cell operations are very up front about not making any promises.  If you choose to participate you ARE a guinea pig.  But there is enough success happening out there with stem cell treatments to justify optimism.



That would be Dr. Anthony Atala i can see i made several spelling mistakes yesterday ,sorry.You can find a lot about him on the internet.I have left his address in the awareness board some time ago.I believe someone posted his address before me.Comback sent him a letter a while back but never heard back from him.




Does your regular doctor know that you have had stem cell injections?Might be a good idea to let him know if he does not.I would ask him if pentox or any other suppliment would aid the process.



Quote from: fubar on October 24, 2011, 02:34:15 PM

Does your regular doctor know that you have had stem cell injections?Might be a good idea to let him know if he does not.I would ask him if pentox or any other suppliment would aid the process.


I spoke to my GP about the proceedure to get his input he was honest and said he didn't know much about stem cell proceedures but to be careful in making the decision. He did ask a lot of questions though opposed to the urologist I went to who was horrible. I told him how uncomfortable it was and how when I sit in a car I always have to adjust because of the discomfort and he immediatly dissmissed me saying oh everyone does that. I told him about the stem cell proceedure and he immediatly dissmissed it claiming it was a scam without asking one questions. I understand if he doesnt agree with it but I didnt tell him anything other then I had read about a new place in cali performing a experimental stem cell proceedure to see the results on peyronies. Also as for pentox and asking my GP, he wasn't to familiar with Pentox so asking him would probably not give me any answers as to the effects of pentox and the stem cell proceedure. I will not go back to the urologist as all but one seems to boast about how they are experts and nothing works but shoot down anything you ask or bring up as alternative treatments, atleast thats been my experience. I could probably send a email to the stem cell center but another reason I stopped was because I didn't want to be on both and if they resovle not know which treatment actually cause the healing or if it was a combination of the two. I check the lump out again and I still can't find the second lump which is good. The first one might be a bit smaller but im not sure. I think come three months time I shouldn't expect anymore results as I would think 3 months should be more than enough time. I also can't afford a follow up treatment should the one lump remain. But I will keep everyone posted.


Fubar and all,
Thank you for the responses.
I appreciate all of the information which has been pointed out on the subject; I did not know there was a previous discussion-thread on the topic.  I wish there was more information on the results of the treatment from the stem cell shots one guy (Rd) already had; I suppose it is too soon to know if it will work since Rd just had the shots a few months ago.  I looked up the doctor Fubar mentioned and would travel to have treatment, but someone mentioned he had tried to contact the doctor but received no response.  I am sure the doctor is inundated with requests regarding treatment on a variety of different organs, probably bladders and kidneys get the most requests due to the shortages.  Compared to those people, we should feel fortunate.  Someday I hope to recover from this nightmare and gain back what I have lost.  In the meantime, I hope to lose no more length and girth.  I have had this since 2006 so it is going on 6 years, I hope that long length of time does not lock in the damage.  I been taking Vit E for nearly six years and have been on Pentox two to three times a day for four years, still just more shrinkage and I find Dr. Lue to really offer little information, just his same jokes each time.  I have not tried a VED since the time required sounds gruesome.  The traction device just made things worse, I tried it for a year and that is when all of the shrinkage began, I must have been doing something wrong and caused the opposite reaction as now it is difficult to stretch.  I certainly hope that stem cells work as our own bodies probably offer the best hope to reverse this damage.


Pat_Hos:  Thanks for your post.  It's not exactly encouraging news, but I think it helps to just know the facts of different experiences.  I've wanted to be somewhat scientific in my approach as I keep trying various strategies to deal with this disease.  My actions have been to try everything, sometimes all at once, to see what will help.  For a while I was getting worse, no matter what I tried. Now I seem to be getting better without really knowing what, if anything, is helping.  For a while I was convinced that VI injections were making things worse.  Now I'm trying them again, and they seem to be helping--but I'm not sure.  But I think one way we can all help each other is just by putting our various experiences out there, so we can at least take it all into consideration as we are making decisions.  


You know, I think a LOT of doctors are cynics to the extreme.  As far as they are concerned, if they don't have anything in their arsenal of pills that will help, NOTHING will work.  And they really don't want you to discover something else because they want you to keep being a good customer and buying their pills.  Of COURSE they don't SELL the pills themselves, BUT they get under the table compensation for prescribing lots of them.  I suffered for years with an "untreatable" urinary tract problem with urologist after urologist telling me there was no solution known to man for it.  And they all, TO THE LAST ONE, "knew what they were talking about".  And then I got a young urologist who obviously hadn't learned how to handle these things and he said to me "***, why on earth haven't you got this fixed?".  He then said they had been fixing this problem for people for years and referred me to a research center and the problem got solved quickly and easily.  AFTER doctor after doctor told me that it was unfixable, the result being one expensive procedure after another every three or four or eight months or so however long a treatment might last.  They were making their money and they didn't want me to get a permanent fix and leave them without income.  NONE of them said "I will check to see if there might be a treatment out there that I don't know about", NOT ONE.  It is very infuriating.  Your GP is  a very good guy but the uro is typical and disgusting.  How can all of these doctors be so arrogant and greedy.  - George



My head feels like a bag of marbles at the moment.Hard to keep one thing in focus when none is a sum of cures.Look supposedly we have thousands of guys on this forum with this crippiling disease.We have advocates for certain therapys  with suppliments , devices and injections of chemical and human tissue.

Stem cell seems to be the baby with one member recieving injections three months ago.This forum and the old forum combined i believe to be seven years old.Someone please correct me if i am wrong.

This forum surviving on this subject this long tells me the members and the forum can make difference.I have noticed many new comers posting i find this comforting and saddening.

Shows our comunity is growing at a rapid rate and threads are becoming more complexed than the operation of those answering questions and appropriating directions to main threads.

Not to get off topic but i learned today that big (to) terrell owens formally a Dallas Cowboy.wide reciever was showing his wares after having knee surgery and having stem cell treatment in korea.The man looked great and if my penis was half the shape his knee was in my life would be complete i would retire.

Not retiring my penis it would definitely have a schedule.I would retire the knee after making me millions.




Keep up the good work!  Keep sending out those letters I gave you!  We have to look to the future!  New treatments are popping up all around us, we are on the track to being healed...



A lot of the new posts are probably higher ranking in Google when you search for 'Peyronies'.  This place is one of the few non-BS sites when it comes to the disease.



Sure got it right this is your one shop place.There are many her to help the weary. 24/7 some one is here.



Stem cell therapy rejuvenates tissue by overwhelming sick cells with new healthy ones.  Here we see the opposite approach, rejuvenating tissue by removing unhealthy cells by brute force.

It would be very interesting to see what effect this might have on Peyronie's once they get it out the door.  - George


Anything new on this? I would sure as hell travel to Korea if that were my last option, bc the meds aren't working and Lue seems to think that no one will operate.  
"I can feel it in my hip"


The only news I have to report so far is that I contacted the center to inform them of the results I have seen, and to ask if I should expect to see anymore after having had the procedure 3 months ago. I also was curious as to follow up treatment price. Not sure I will get another treatment as I don't have the money and would have liked the first to have better results then what I have experienced so far. But here is the doctors response.

"I think regeneration can occur for several months. A second treatment may be required for the second plaque but I would wait at least 6 to maybe 9 months before that to be sure it is absolutely necessary. The resolution of the first plaque is encouraging. For a second treatment we would discount the price to $3500."

One note about the I think regeneration... comment, they did explain to me that this is new and experimental and that they are still learning a lot about stem cells hence the I think comment. The original procedure was $5500.