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Hi All,

Hesitated to sign up for the forum although I've been on it regularly for the past 3 or so months.. I think that signing up was admission that this is something I'm dealing with and I didn't want to accept that.. But I'm here now

About my situation: 25 years old, started having pain a few months back and had my Uro check it out - said it was nothing and "I'm too young to have Peyronies." Second Uro agreed and said it was unlikely but has me on pentox, finally had the fortune to go se Dr. Peter Stahl at Columbia (NY based here) who confirmed that I do in fact have Peyronies Disease. Interestingly enough I don't have a palpable plaque and the doppler ultrasound didn't turn up any "hard evidence" but there were some possible red flags. Dr. Stahl said regardless I do in fact have Peyronies Disease which could be minor or simply in the early stages. Additionally when this occurred I started having pretty drastic pelvic floor discomfort as well as muscle spasms, so that's an ongoing issue as well.

Current treatment:
Pentox 3x a day
L-Argenine 3x a day
Vit. E 3x a day
Coq-10 3x a day

Ordered the Penimaster pro per Dr. Stahl's recommendation and will begin traction when I receive it. It's been a tough few months with my Peyronies Disease onset coinciding with loss of employment but I'm slowly gaining back my sanity, I've shed a few tears as I'm sure we all have but I'm doing my best to take this day by day and see what I can do.



Good luck. I'm glad it sounds like your getting some good help.


Can you relate anything in particular that may have caused it? Any loss of length or girth yet?


Not sure as to size loss as I haven't established a "baseline" and it could be mental. As far as cause, there was an instance a couple of weeks before the pain started where my penis slightly bent during sex when it had popped out. There was no loss of erection, no swelling or bruising and no pain for a bit. Not sure if this is the cause, but thinking it may have been as the time/area it happened are correlated


Sounds reasonable. It doesn't always take a major incident. I know I hit a brick wall (perineum) with my dick at 20 miles an hour many times without issue. And than something seemingly minor set me off. Now I had a small pearl for 20 years but who knows how much micro damage over time I had that didn't cause Peyronies Disease and than one day it appears. It can change your dick very quickly. I do feel like things are holding steady because of my aggressive approach. All I can say is hang in there, literally and don't just wait for something to change or happen. You got it, get advice and read what sounds reasonable for you to do and do it.


What was your treatment routine? How much did the disease progress before you managed to halt it, if you don't mind me asking?


I'll let you read my history under my posts to understand where I'm at and how bad it got. I have been taking supplements. CoQ10, L-Arganine, L-citraline, zink, sawpalmeto and hornygoat weed. I also use topical vitE, and absorbine jr both with dmso 70% on top of those to absorb better alternating days. I have also been using a glass dropper, carefully with clean technique placing the liquid e and 50/50 cut with water dmso alternating days transurethrally. The Peyronies Disease urologist added pentox 400my twice a day, cialis 2.5mg daily. He also increased my injectable testosterone from 200mg once a month to100mg once a week. My levels have been in the crapper for years. Finally a doc that has helped. I use VED daily using the routine on this site. I have a single cylinder Erecaid. I have stabilized and it is ever so slightly better. It's not getting worse and stopped losing length and girth. Let me know your questions or concerns.


Thank you for the response!

General question for whoever may read this, has anyone noticed that their curvature seems to be worse when standing? When seated it seems significantly less prevalent.. Not sure if this is because the pelvic floor is relaxed and tugging less (maybe a tight ligament) or if it's just perception as the penis may not be fully "extended" while seating.. Just curious if anyone else notices this