Seeing a VI & PRP urologist tmrw. Questions ?

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Hello forum members, I appreciate your support in this next stage of my treatment.

Tomorrow afternoon I am scheduled to meet with a doctor who does the verapill and PRP Shots an I am looking for guidance. My symptoms are new (within last couple months) and they include a plaque from base to too right in the middle as well as what feels like new fibrous lines going from base to top again but they are on an angle left - these feel like 3 or 4 very thin but hard lines.  

I currently at times have a slight dull pain and on erection my once perfect curved upward penis seems to be curving more than ever with a slight bend to the left.  I am 26 very healthy otherwise and determined to heal. On a side note this all started with what i thought was a herpes infection (however tests have all been negative) which also resulted in a lymphocyte and a small lymphocele (small pocket of lymph swelling after erection just below my gland). Sometimes it feels like I've been cursed for a mistake I made sleeping with a girl I shouldn't have. However I'm learning to forgive myself and focused on healing.

Any suggestions on what I should ask this doctor or even demand... Anything would help even if its just support. I'm on everything that this forum prescribes already.

One specific question I have is can these injections help someone like me who has a long vertical plaque?? Can it make it worse??



I have these long vertical "plaques" too. Some guys call them "violin or guitar strings". These probably aren't plaques, because they are disappearing from time to time. You might have cpps or/with hard-flaccid. Did your uro did ultrasound or something to determine that there is really plaque? Visit the hard-flaccid forum, there are guys who experience these violing string things too.  


The _ustipack I will try to get the ultrasound done today because no I have not yet been diagnosed in that way. Interesting to think it could be something other than peyronies because i do have this hard line which I figured was plaque. So do you not have peyronies??


Hmm, I had an injury a year ago during sex. I missed the target. It's hard to say if it's peyronie's or not, because the borders are not precisely defined. It doesn't even matter. I have a little scar tissue under the glans on both sides and they are always there. Those "strings" are changing, so I can clearly say that it isn't scar tissue. It feels like a lymph or blood vessel wich is stretched by the pelvic muscles. They are painful to touch, but it's not the same pain a experience on the real scar tissue. I think it needs a long time to develop a scar tissue which goes from the base to the top of the penis and your lenght loss would be devastating.

I suggest you to read the hard-flaccid forum. If you recognize your symptoms there, I'd try the therapies that are recommended on that forum, before I inject some experimental stuff in my penis.
BUT, for some reason, almost every guy who suffers from peyronie's has hard-flaccid too (or CPPS). So you should check your penis for scar tissue, if there isn't any you're a lucky guy...

I watched a youtube video with Dr Levine where he's talking about "lack of elasticity" of the penis and how it is hard to pull a penis from a man who's suffering from peyronie's, because of the plaque. This is clearly caused by hard-flaccid and not by the plaque. He doesn't even know that something like this exists. It's hard to believe that a disease like this is such a mistery and that doctors are so reluctant about it.  


I pray to god I don't have huge loss of length if this is peyronies.  


Use logic. If there is a plaque that goes from the base to the top, the penis couldn't stretch anymore further the flaccid length. So that "guitar/violin string plaque sh*t" can be excluded.
Let us know about your results from ultra sound, i'm curious about them


Just finished the ultrasound and we saw no evidence of plaque.!!

I am extremely happy to see this but also aware that plaque evolves into calsified which may be more visible?? Is this the case. Again no plaque visible at all at this point.

Reactions from some veterans on the forum would be great.

Thank you all


The first urologist I went to advised me that ultrasounds for the penis are not very accurate for finding plaques.  I had an ultrasound done of my penis shaft by request of my family doctor and the report indicated that nothing abnormal was found...well I can see and feel several plaques and so can 2 urologists I have seen.

If I may ask is this doctor you are seeing who does VI and PRP shots located in Canada? If so could you give me his/her name and location either publicly or by way of PM? thanks


Hey forester the dr is actually in the Bay Area Ca where I live now.  However I know there is a well respected doctor in Vancouver dr rapport or something that dies them.  A friend of mine for them done by him and he said it fixed him right up. Good luck.  

And thanks for the info about the ultrasound although it is concerning. It see
S like others said this was the best way for diagnosis and the dr who performed it suggested they since they couldn't see any as she normally does that I don't have Peyronies Disease

Sorry for grammar etc i am currently driving.