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Greetings, I have been dealing with Peyronies for about a year with a quick, advanced bend. My wife and I have discussed it and she strongly encourages me to go to the Doctor, but like many men, I am either afraid or embarrassed to go. I do NOT want to have surgery, but my bend is getting much worse. I know sex must be less enjoyable for my wife. I know I deal with insecurities and uncertainties myself. I just need to talk to guys who are in the same boat I am in. I would love to hear success stories of those who may have had surgery. How painful is it? And how successful? I look forward to being apart of this group. Yes, I do have pics that show my advancement. I may post later.  

JCH - 49 years old dealing with Peyronies for the last year


Welcome to the forum.
Afraid, that's understandable.
Embarrassed, why???? You can bet a Doctor has seen every body part going lol.

Does your wife enjoy sex less?, be upfront and ask her, she didn't marry you for your penis, right? Sometimes you just need a stranger to call it as it is, wish you the best.

Why not go with your wife and ask for a specialist (urologist) that you can be referred to, peyronie's is believed to effect 10-12% men, that is only an estimation though as (many) men suffer in silence, DON'T be one of those men!

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


Paul, thanks for the encouragement. My wife and I have a great sex life. She says that it has NOT affected her enjoyment, but in my mind, it has too. I am getting close to contacting a doctor. Trying to get my nerves up. But I do NOT want this condition to hinder me and my wife in the future. Plus, I don't want to look like a "freak". (i say  in jest)  
JCH - 49 years old dealing with Peyronies for the last year

Cowboy James

You need to bite the bullet and go to a doctor.  Surgery is usually a last resort after drugs and vacuum and traction. There are reports of traction curing a 70 degree curve.


There are plenty of ways to improve your symptoms and even be functionally cured (and mostly aethetically) without surgery.

Traction, VED, and heat (cheap rice sock) are the cheapest and most effective home physical therapies. Then diet, which is critical. Keep insulin as LOW as possible, consider supplements such as CoQ10, ALCAR, and citrulline, and the drug route is Pentox plus Cialis.

Surgery is a last resort and I do not think you will need it if you do the above.


It has been nice reading each post. I am getting my nerve up to see a doctor soon. I believe I can regain my "normal" life.  I want my confidence back and my sled assurance. I must have loved my penis too much.  ;D   This forum is really encouraging. Thanks
JCH - 49 years old dealing with Peyronies for the last year


Hey JCH.... i know the situation is different.. people think and feel different. But please, grab the courage to go to the Dr. You can tell yourself you are not the only one in this situation, and he has seen countless of other patients before in the same situation. I was 27 when i fractured my penis, and ended up seing  11 urologists in Portugal, and another 4 In Canada, along with Dr. Goldstein in America. At this point, dropping my pants in the urologists Office for a checkup is normal.

What are exactly your symptoms? what difficulties are you having?

I also add, that this could be the moment for you to approach your spouse and have an upfront conversation with her about your fears; both about your condition, and the part where you feel you might let her down in the bedroom.  This can really bring you two together and make your relationship stronger, or set you apart as a couple if you close yourself in your thoughts and do not seek help.

Don't hesitatate to come back if you need to talk.  


Hi, JCH,

Time is of the essence with this disease. Don't be embarrassed and visit a doctor, but one acquainted with Peyronies Disease or I'm very much afraid that you'd be throwing your money away. There's a comprehensive list of doctors in the forum that you can take advantage of.

You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. And listen to the advice these guys are giving you. They know what they are talking about and, as they say, there are a lot of things that are working for other people that you can still try before resorting to surgery.

Good luck.

44 years old. Peyronies early stage. Diagnosis confirmed 07.04.2019.
Dr. Juan Ignacio Martínez-Salamanca (Madrid)
Cialis (2.5 mg) &  Pentox (2 x 400 mg).
Stretching to start as soon as I receive the Restorex.


Thanks guys. I am very grateful for all your responses. I am going to make a doctors appointment  Monday.  My wife and I are very open about my situation.  She is very understanding.  I do NOT have a problem getting or keeping an erection, but the bend in my penis has gotten worse.  I hope I have not waited too long. I have been dealing with this for about a year. I have pics of my progress that I can share if helpful.  Thanks guys!  
JCH - 49 years old dealing with Peyronies for the last year


Thank you. I did post pictures of my progression:
On the before and after board titled "My Progression". You guys have really helped!  
JCH - 49 years old dealing with Peyronies for the last year


Be sure to read the survival guide before you go, it will help prepare you for the doctors visit. Peyronies Survival Guide - Information for New Members - Peyronies Society Forums
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


As an introductory, this topic is locked.
Please continue the conversation on the adequate boards.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum