Chakra Imbalances

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Hi everyone, been a while since i've been back here. I am Peyronies free, Hard flaccid free, getting stronger everyday! Just want to send Love to everyone as i proceed to express some thoughts and my take on how to treat this minor bump in the road.

I have gained some insight into the world of Peyronies and hard flaccid. I have taken a different approach than i have ever seen before on this matter and i have come to some very serious conclusions that have only ever benefited my overall well being as well as vastly improved the rate of healing in the ENTIRE body, not just the penis.

--I visited a Shamanic Practitioner she happen to be an Herbalist as well. (Ask for a tincture for lymphatic system if interested, seemed to help me along the way)

*A Shamanic Practitioner is someone who enters an altered state of consciousness in order to interact with the energy realms and what they perceive as the spirit world. A client and Shamanic Practitioner relationship is not a personal one, its not like going to the doctor. The Shaman is there only to clear energy/emotions (E-motions = energy in motion) , restore balance, and be guided by spirit. A typical session consists of Illumination, Extraction, Soul Retrieval.
Illumination is the most basic of a Healing session, Consists of clearing chakras and bringing them into balance, Also this is what i will be focusing on in order to let this writing be a bit more digestible to those interested in reading further.

--- So what do i mean when i say CHAKRA? We have SEVEN of them first of all. Starting from the perineum, along the spine, all the way to the top of the head. You can think of the Chakras as spinning discs that pull energy and information Into the Body to process and produce our everyday functions as a human being. Its basically the FUEL for the Nervous system.

------All Reside Along The Spine--
**ROOT CHAKRA-- Located at the Very Tip of the Coccyx. This is your connection to Earth (Research Becoming grounded)
**SACRAL CHAKRA-- Located 3 fingers width below belly button (Research Sexual dysfunction in releation)
**SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA -- Located right below rib cage at diaphragm (Research Digestive issues in relation)
**HEART CHAKRA -- Located Center of breast bone (Research Lungs, heart, "Stone Heart" "Hardened heart")
**THROAT CHAKRA -- Located in the little "dip" in collar bone/throat area (research Thyroid in relation)
**THIRD EYE CHAKRA -- Located at eyebrow level in center of forehead. (research Pineal gland in releation)
**CROWN CHAKRA -- Located at top of head, This is your connection to Source Energy. (Research Spirital Ascension in relation to people becoming "sick" when being called to ascend)

So where am I going with this? Am I saying just go get my Chakras cleared and THIS will start healing? Sadly no, Whatever "THIS" is, is not truly the root of the cause. After dedication to this route of healing started for me everything changed. I realized that i kept on trying to tackle a mountain in my life with nothing but a fear based mindset and a bag of peanuts, the peanuts are for the downtime i spent watching all the lies i told myself and knowing on the inside that i had to change my inner landscape before my outer landscape would ever be able to begin to change.

-- So it starts with clearing emotions, being truly ready to heal and let go is something that took me a while to grasp the concept of. Daily meditation and holding a healed image of my ENTIRE BODY was important. To bring the awareness away from the pelvis is key. Stand naked in the mirror and look yourself in the eye, now for a split second realize where your attention is. If its on your penis, there is some clearing to do. We shouldn't have to think about our penis, so to start making it a daily practice of being gentle with yourself and becoming okay with your body just the way it is, it is important. It helps to bring the awareness elsewhere so the body can be left to do what it does best and heal.

-Starting with basic emotions like what you fear, what makes you angry, sad, lonely, self conscious etc... thats how this works.. to clear all these limiting beliefs allows you to break free.

**A visit to a Shamanic Practitioner starts by a client deciding that there is a pattern in his or her life that they are ready to let go of. *arrival at Healing practice, Or Phone session, (yes this work can be done over the phone as well)* -You start by explaining the Emotion or Pattern, Or you dont have to tell them anything at all, it is perfectly fine to say "I would rather not talk about it"
-- You will then be ask to Feel those emotions as deeply and as intensely as possible while the Practitioner begins to clear your Chakras (Illumination)
--The removal of crystallized energy is part of the process, as well as a retrieval of a soul part. (Parts of soul split off during trauma from past/possibly current lifetimes)
--You should then end the session with a positive affirmation in the form of an "I AM" statement that suits the pattern just worked on-- If working on a self worth issue and positive statement after a session could be --"I AM OF INFINITE WORTH" example. It fills the void in the sub-conscious left by removing the old statements that were previously there before a healing session or meditation.

I have Lots more on all of this that i can keep writing about, i would like to get all my information down somewhere as it is all up in my head from the last 2 years. Being as this is what pushed me to change my life and made me a stronger whole human i would like to share that with the rest of you, So i will post this to begin with and will work on putting together something else in relation to this subject matter. I believe in this work to my core and feel it has awoken that deeper sense of knowing within myself. I am a Shamanic Healer myself, this process has led me to this path and i feel more at home than ever before and I hope that this resonates with some of you. Much love.
Hi my name is Dom
24 y/o
Onset 2017 - ended 2019

Shamanic Healing was my number one step and chiropractics

Systemic enzymes, oral iodine, Vit D3, magnesium citrate, tumeric root, ginger root, vegetable juice, brisk walking, correct body mechanics.


I'm really happy to hear this.

I actually truly benefit from the focusing on the chakra system and central channel breathing. I do it every day as a part of my meditation, and during sex. I was thinking of posting some things on it but did not want people to flip out and think I had lost my mind!

Any kind of technique that relaxes the body is beneficial. I first learned of this kind of thing through David Deida's meditations for sexual mastery and now I am reading a new book by Dr. Sue Morter called The Energy Codes that deals with the same type of thing.  


Here where I am living all the Shamanic Practitioners are very popular and reach.
My friend sadly just passed away after he abandoned the regular medicine and started treatment by a Shamanic Practitioner.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Holistic treatments can only help us in any healing process.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I have all these things that circulate about this topic at random times so im going to continually add them here as they come to mind, eventually go though and revise the thread.

Go on google and type in "Penis Reflexology" it shows all the correlations between the organs and the penis itself. If you search deeper for penis reflexology you'll come across acupressure points to open the nerual pathways to the pelvis to treat ED and impotence.

The chart that shows the penis and the relation to the organs of the body is my main focus. Along with acupressure points even if you can get erections and arent impotent, its important to keep the neural pathways open and free of any impedence.

I firmly believe that the location of i emphasize QUOTE "PLAQUE" is directly related to the organs in the body that need to be "worked" on.

For example the solar plexus lies right where your diaphgram is. A deficit in the solar plexus energy center causes digestive upset, breathing trouble, and the Qi of the organs around the area.. Kidneys, lungs, etc.. A deficiency in the kidneys effects the whole water system. Bladder, urethra etc etc etc... I have posted a chart somewhere before but you can google it again, its called NET master chart. It relates to chinese medicine, it shows how each organ relates to emotion and how they store in different parts of the body. Bladder=fear, Liver=anger and so on... By effectivly clearing the emotions and limiting belifs that we live day to day clears the heavy energies from the organs allowing them to function at a higher more natural capacity.

I believe the reason certain diets like keto and such work for some people is because they are "avoiding" the use of certain organs. Allowing them to bypass the "stress" or raise in cortisol of the body.

This is what i got right now, ill be back soon!

Much love :)
Hi my name is Dom
24 y/o
Onset 2017 - ended 2019

Shamanic Healing was my number one step and chiropractics

Systemic enzymes, oral iodine, Vit D3, magnesium citrate, tumeric root, ginger root, vegetable juice, brisk walking, correct body mechanics.